• Bible Study Cousin

    Making Her Mark

    It is no coincidence that the sermon series for 2021 is about “Making Your Mark.” It is a call to action that is catchy and concise. You can guess that Pastor will discuss how we can make an impact on this world as Christians. Tomica loves the Lord, and ESPECIALLY loves a challenge, so I guess she decided to go all in. When Ari called me Thursday morning, I KNEW. First of all, Ari rarely has her phone around. I usually text her AND Devin if I want something. It’s just more efficient. And secondly, it was 8 in the morning and Ari rarely calls me. When I heard her…

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    Simmer Down

    Typically sleeping is my superpower. No matter what is going on in my world, my body has the ability to power down at night and sleep. And that is still true. Only now, I wake up way before the sun and just stare into the darkness. During my quiet time, I found myself getting hungry. Although I had purchased the ingredients to make my crockpot chili, I had not mustered up the energy to get into the kitchen. Well, since I was up before the sun, I decided to roll into kitchen and get my hands dirty. Keeping my hands busy was comforting. I diced, sautéed, and stirred. I tasted.…

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    Clear Skin

    The grandfather of all zits is currently residing between my lower lip and my chin. He staked a claim exactly at the midway point. Thankfully, I wear a mask all day at work so no one can see this guy. He is an unwanted and unexpected visitor. Well, at this point, he seems to have taken out a lease on the landscape of my face. He is kind of determined to stand his ground. Now when I was a teenager, breakouts were common. A mixture of stress, hormones, poor eating habits, and greasy bangs contributed to my dalliances in pimple town. I had to learn to lay off of the…

  • stylish office supplies arranged on table
    Sermon Recap

    Good News For New Beginnings

    The first Sunday of the new year has rolled in. Dripping with promise. Untapped potential. The year is wide open. Many of us are gun shy on decreeing and declaring what the year will hold. 2020 met us with unusual circumstances so our hesitancy is understandable. But on this first Sunday of 2021, I logged off with a little more hope. Pastor introduced the sermon series for 2021. This year will focus on “Making Your Mark.” We will journey through the book of Mark and study the life of Jesus. Ultimately, the hope is that we gain valuable insight on how to live our lives by studying His. Now traditionally,…

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    When Life Gives You Lemons

    When life gives you lemons, what do YOU do with them? Some folks make lemonade. Others frown at the lemons. Some reject them. Stomp them as they are rolling around on the ground. And then there are the really special folks. You may know these special folks. When life hands them lemons, they get busy. They make lemonade. Lemon meringue pie. Homemade salad dressing. Facial tonics. They zest the rind and use it in icing. And then try to find other uses for the remainder of the lemons. No part left behind. Life has handed me some lemons in 2021. I know that we are only three days in. Trust…

  • christmas table with decorations for holiday
    Sermon Recap

    Before You Leave Here

    When you are raised in the church, New Year’s Eve is not New Year’s Eve without a watch meeting. We gather together to bring in the new year with praise. We thank God for all that He has done. We celebrate the fact that we have arrived at the beginning of a new year with brand new mercies. The pandemic has altered the way that we gather together but we were still able to meet through the wonders of technology. Pastor challenged us to assess ourselves before we left 2020 behind. Ready for the FIRST sermon recap of 2021? Well, ready or not, here it is. 1 Corinthians 16: 5-9…

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    New Year’s Eve 2020

    How are you spending the last day of 2020? When I was in my teens and early 20’s, my friend and I had a yearly ritual. We always sat down to recap the events that had taken place in the last year. Without fail, we would be amazed at what had happened in just 365 days. Sometimes, we would write down things that we wanted to leave in that year, and then we would burn them. (I been deep and grown for a long time…LOL) While we no longer sit down together and go over the year’s events, I still do it with myself. This year, I decided to put…

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    Take A Seat

    Ummmmm…someone come check on Fitz the cat. He is currently nestled in his carrier case staring at me. He is waiting on a ride…to my mom’s house. <cue dramatic music> If you have not ever read the blog, then you have no clue that Bible Study Mama is not a big fan of Fitz. I have mentioned before that I had not ever pictured myself being a cat owner. I come from a dog family. Before I adopted Fitz, I consulted the cat owners that I knew. One in particular told me that I needed to make sure that I did not only pull out his carrier when it was…

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    Life is so unpredictable. Typically when people say that they are referring to sad moments. Dark times. The icky parts of life. But tonight, I had an unpredictable moment that put a smile on my face. And it was very timely. See, it had been one of those days where I was getting hit with one issue after another. You know the unpleasant unpredictable things. After playing phone tag with a variety of people, I realized that it was getting late in the evening. I still had not prepared dinner. I rolled off the couch and opened the pantry to see what I could rustle up. Voila! I had potatoes.…

  • picturesque sunset sky with pink clouds
    Sermon Recap

    Rise Up and Stay Up

    Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2 I would not classify myself as a runner. Not even a little bit. I am a walker. I like to mosey along and check out the scenery when I…

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