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Sermon Recap

Rise Up and Stay Up

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:1-2

I would not classify myself as a runner. Not even a little bit. I am a walker. I like to mosey along and check out the scenery when I am exercising. Nothing too extreme. Sunday’s sermon reminded me that although I do not classify myself as a runner, I really am. God has purposed me to run a race that was tailor-made for me.

Our lives resemble marathons. Specially crafted marathons because all of our routes are different. Often it is difficult for us to run our own races because we are looking at how everyone else is doing. We may start out running alongside someone and eventually see their path curve. Their way seems fun. Their way seems interesting. Their way seems intriguing, and they are flourishing. We keep our eyes so focused on them that we try to keep up with them. But that is not our race. They are not doing anything wrong. We are. We can’t rise up and stay up when we are trying to run someone else’s race.

We were also reminded to lay aside any weights that would slow us down on our journey. Listen, I am a big girl. I used to frown at weight lifting. I figured that I had enough body mass. I did not need to lift or pull any extra weights in the name of fitness. I learned differently when I started strength training. As my muscles grew, my body began to shift and change. I lost fat and gained strength. Now the same weights that have helped to shape me would slow me down if I tried to hold on to them while running a marathon. This reminds me that I need to keep everything and everyone in their proper position. It is a call to prioritize so that I can finish what I started.

We spent many weeks being pumped and prodded to “Rise Up.” Now that the campaign has ended real life has set in. We are transitioning from rising up to staying up. And most often staying up is the most challenging. Because it is a life long task. With no days off. It requires endurance. It requires stamina. And it certainly requires Jesus. Our only hope to stay up is to keep our eyes fixed on Him. We can do that through Bible study. We can do that through prayer and meditation. The most important thing is that we have to do it. #wepreach

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