silver colored microphone
Give Roses

Building A Legacy

I wasn’t always the most confident guy. I’m still not to be honest with you. God gave me my own talents, but they are things I feel anyone could do. I write moderately well, and I’m an amazing lyricist. By lyricist, in layman’s terms, I mean an amazing rapper, and I’d go so far as to say songwriter if you pushed me on a ledge. I got to this point with hours upon hours of just writing rhymes and focusing only on being the best me I could be. What I want to share with this post is how I got the foundation to be who I am today.

Back in 9th grade, I had the amazing privilege to be taught by one of the most inspirational, intelligent, and immensely creative teachers in the world. Current teacher of the year, Stacy McAdoo, in her first year at Central High had a communications class that will live in infamy. I remember the feeling of her classroom as being one of the safest places you could ever be. You were free to be yourself and unapologetically so at that. We were all coal in her hands that she pressured just right into being the diamonds we were always meant to be. She would let us freestyle in class if we’d finished our assignments or so we could release excess energy. She’d then take that moment to find a way to teach us even more about ourselves and it was just the best experience I’ve ever had.

In addition to all these incredible things she did, her husband was an accomplice to my maturation and growth, and I am forever indebted to Leron McAdoo. The first song I ever recorded with my friends was in his home. He breathes artistic excellence. I can not say enough about how much confidence he gave me. The craziest thing about my connection to these two is it doesn’t just stop with them.

I was raised at my church with their family members. The Mosby family is a dynasty unto themselves. I don’t know if I’d know what cool was without Ryan Mosby, the coolest breeze the wind ever blew. His father, Pastor Jimmy Mosby, is one of the kindest preachers I’ve ever met. He is a mentor to me alongside his loving wife, Mrs. Mosby. I could go on and on about all the ways I’ve been blessed just knowing these legendary people. I have stories for each of them that I’ll tell at a later date but God is showing the power of their legacy every day. I thank them for all they’ve ever done for me, and I want it to be known how much it means to me. I pray to have a legacy as strong as they do for my own family. #wepreach #giverosesmonth

One Comment

  • Stacey

    The most powerful thing about impact is its reciprocal and ripple effect. Some impacts are so forceful and immediate that you get whiplash and your life changes forever. Others are so powerful that you don’t even see it coming, you simply feel the effect in your heart and know you are better because of the contact. And then enters a person like Joe — an individual who gives you whiplash AND takes up residency in your heart. ❤️

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