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Sermon Recap


Sunday was all about celebrating “The Strength of a Woman” during our annual women’s day.  And oh, what a time we had.  Service culminated with a power message of resilience.  We unpacked what it means to be relentless in our pursuit of God.

The message was taken from Matthew 15:21-28.  A woman of Canaan comes crying out to Jesus.  Her daughter is demon-possessed.  Actually, not just demon possessed.  Severely demon possessed.  There are levels to the power that Satan holds over lives, and her daughter suffers from an extreme case.  The woman knows that there is nothing in her power that can change the situation.  She wisely cries out to Jesus.

After her impassioned plea, I would expect Jesus to be moved and speak a word over the daughter’s life that makes the enemy flee.  His reaction is quite opposite.  He is silent.  Yeah.  You read that right.  Silent after this woman poured her heart out.  I might be alone in this, but it can be an isolating feeling when you have laid everything on the line and are met with silence.  However, the woman did not let the silence of Jesus stop her or deter her.  She was relentless.

She continued to cry out.  So much so that the disciples begged Jesus to send her away.  They could not understand why she did not take no for answer.  Jesus lets her know that He came to save the lost children of Israel.  Even that did not deter her.  She began to worship Jesus and again cried out for help.  She worshipped Him even though He had not healed her daughter.  She knew what Jesus could do.  She was relentless.

Jesus had already made His mission statement to the woman.  He then drove the point home and told her that it would not be a good thing to take the bread that He brought for the children of Israel and feed it to little dogs.  Honey, at this point I would have been OFFENDED.  In my flesh and my feelings.  Like somebody would probably assume that one of those demons got off my daughter and jumped into me.  But not this woman.  Her response is full of faith and fire.  She tells Jesus that even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.  She was relentless.

How I want to have this same resilience.  Even when Jesus was silent, she continued to seek His face.  She did not just assume that the answer was no.  And even when met with an answer that would likely turn others away, she had enough faith to praise Him.  She worshipped Him without abandon and plead her case.  Pride had no place.  She was desperate for relief and knew that He was the one that could right every wrong.  She had no place for offense.  She remained relentless.  Jesus commended her faith, and her daughter was healed that very hour.

My prayer for us all is that we can approach the Lord with the same zeal and courage of our convictions.  That we do not allow the delay to turn us away from the healing and restoration that is available to us.  I have been talking to Jesus mightily.  I have many desires that are yet unfulfilled.  I needed this sermon.  I needed this reminder to be relentless in my pursuit of God’s best.  Let us be so relentless that the Lord says to us that our faith is great and that it will be as we desire.  #wepreach

Think on these things:

  • Do you currently have prayer requests that have been unanswered?
  • How do you react when prayers are unanswered?
  • Are you relentless in other areas of your life but negligent in talking to God? Why or why not?
  • Do you currently have the faith to pursue the desires of your heart?
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