
What’s That Sound?

As I was typing the other day, I heard the weirdest noise.  I looked to see where Fitz, my cat, was.  He was running full speed up and down the hallway.  So, yes, he was making noise, but he wasn’t the source of the noise that I heard.  Then I stared down my refrigerator.  Could it be coming from there?  Then I heard a familiar fizzle.  My neighbors directly behind my house were popping fancy fireworks.

Actually, the neighborhood has been popping fireworks for the past two weeks.  One neighbor set off a spectacular display one night in the front yard.  I heard all the rapid-fire popping and just knew a drive by was going down.  Nope.  Just my new neighbors making their house a home, I guess.

I have stated before that I don’t watch horror movies because they are too scary.  Though I’m a fan of dramatic moments, the dramatic and suspenseful music in horror movies puts me on edge.  I immediately put my fingers in my ears when the music in a movie takes on a creepy edge.  It’s the quickest line of defense to drown out unwanted sound.  So, I suppose that I’m really just not a fan of sounds that are scary.

Lately I have come to realize that I need to keep that same energy when it comes to guarding my spirit.  I’m quick to guard myself against villains on the screen but more lax when it comes to protecting myself against the very real mighty powers in this dark world.  The forces that tell me that I don’t matter.  The powers that would have me to believe that I don’t have anything good to contribute to humanity.

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.  That means I need to keep a Word in my ear that will see me through this life.  But more specifically for me personally, it means that I need to be more mindful of the information that I take in.  Just being honest here.  I have lowered my standards and sounds that should frighten me don’t frighten me anymore.  I have become accustomed to dramatic music and suspenseful moments.

Like I often say, I’m a work in progress.  I will be intentional about guarding my spirit.  Although there are wicked powers in the world, they pale in comparison to the mighty power of my God.  He speaks with authority and power.  I just have to be willing to listen.  #wepreach

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