blue water near white rocky mountain

Right Below The Surface

Trauma.  An icky subject that people do not like to talk about. Maybe because they do not realize that they have been impacted by the trauma in their lives.  2019 was a big turning point in my life.  Instead of just carrying my trauma around, I really started to dive into my core issues.  I put on a wetsuit and googles and got right in the face of the issues that dwell right below the surface.  Although they lived right below the surface, trust me when I say that they were really difficult to drag back to shore.

The more work that I put in to being a healthier and more whole person, the more weighed down I sometimes feel.  You know the feeling you get when you reach dry land after being weightless in the water?  That feeling.  I know that it comes because I have exposed more work that needs to be done. 

Experiencing trauma of any kind can cause us to react to situations from a place of trauma.  I did not fully understand or grasp this concept until I attended a class about healthy mindsets.  The therapist had an entire slideshow about healthy reactions to certain situations and unhealthy reactions to the same situations.  I was amazed to discover that my mindset was not the mindset of a healthy person quite often.  I reacted to many of the situations from a place of trauma and mistrust.  More issues to drag to the shore and address.

But honestly ya’ll, I am so thankful that I put that wet suit on and got to work.  If I had not started to be intentional about monitoring my responses, I know that I would have missed out on some of the sweet moments that I am getting to experience now.  Trauma took a lot from me, but it did not take all of me.  It did not win. 

If you are living a life that is burdened because of past hurts, you do not have to continue that way.  Yes, Jesus heals and saves.  100%!  I am also an advocate for finding people on this earth that you can share your burdens with.  People who can guide you towards a more balanced and healthy life.  It might be a pastor.  It may be a therapist.  It may be a trusted friend.  You have the power to choose to triumph over trauma.  I am rooting for us all to win.  #wepreach

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