
Expect Effect

I’ve been thinking about expectations this week. What am I really expecting of God? How am I living this out in my life? You may not know this about me, but I’m big on making the stories of the Bible live in my life.

What do I mean by that? Every time scripture is read, I try to be really attentive. It doesn’t always happen, but I’m trying. I’m more intentional about keeping my focus on the Word of God. Because I need for it to be real in my life. Each time I hear a sermon, I’m looking for practical ways to use it in my everyday life. I want the Word to live in my life.

The Bible remains alive because we live it out. Sometimes, we get caught up in being perfect. We’re not called to perfection, though. We’re called to submit all of our hopes, dreams, our lives, really every fiber of our being, to God. You know I miss the mark. You know you miss the mark.

So, back to the original question. What am I expecting of God? I’m expecting a closeness and a level of level of love that I haven’t experienced before. Not because He wasn’t there, but because my focus was on all the wrong things.

When Sweet Baby was 10 months old, I took her to a birthday party. She was just the cutest thing. So sweet….I mean she was REALLY a sweet baby then. A lady came up to us and said, “She’s so cute.” I told Sweet Baby to say “thank you”. I was modeling the way that I wanted her to behave. Let me put a pin in this for a second. Up until this point, I had never heard her say those words. I honestly don’t even remember if she was consistently using words, but I put my expectations out into the world. Ya’ll this baby said, “Thank you” as clear as a bell.

I was floored. So was the lady. We both smiled and laughed because this sweet baby had just delighted us. I put my expectations out there and God met them. What am I expecting of God? Everything He promised me. #wepreach

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