37 for 37

  • 37 for 37

    Another One Bites The Dust

    YA’LL!!!!!!  I AM SO BESIDE MYSELF!  For those that are not aware, I accepted a challenge for Outrageous October.  Before the month is finished, I need to have walked 60 miles.  As of October 7, 2020, I have walked 30 of those miles already.  Now you may be thinking that I am pumped because I am halfway to the goal seven days into this month.  While I am grateful to halfway there, it is not the reason that I am beside myself. See, before the month started, I had a pull and a tug on my heart to walk a 5k for seven days straight.  I made a list of…

  • 37 for 37

    1. Complete Three 5k’s.

    In my quest for a healthy lifestyle, I embarked on a challenge to walk 50 miles in the month of August.  Well, let me be totally transparent.  I have been working out four days a week for a majority of 2020.  While at home in quarantine, I maintained consistency.  On some days, my workout would be walking.  On others, I would find a routine on YouTube and go for it.  However, once I went back out into the working world, my workouts slacked way off. Bible Study Mama cornered me one day.  As only mama bears can do and said that we needed to start walking again.  Here is my…

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    #19. Dance In The Rain.

    19.  Dance in the rain. I made a list of 37 experiences that I would like to have from May 2020 to May 2021 to celebrate my 37th year of life.  Some will not be fully accomplished until May of 2021, because they are year-long experiences.  I am slowly chipping away at the list.  A priceless memory was created this past Saturday. Saturday morning was beautiful.  The sun was shining.  Birds were chirping.  And Bible Study Mama called me four times on her way to my house to keep me informed of her every move.  Why was she coming to get me?  A moving crew was needed to help my…

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    37 for 37

    Bible Study Cousin came up with a genius idea for her 40th year of life. She created a list of 40 experiences that she wanted have that year. Some were personal and others involved interacting with other people. Even though it was her list, I had a blast helping her knock some of the items off the list. I was so inspired that I created a 35 for 35 list. Neither of us got the list completely cleared, but it made for some interesting experiences. Since I have free time, I decided to create a list of 37 experiences that I want to have to celebrate turning 37 this year…

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