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Rise and Shine! It’s Action Time!

I will RISE UP and pray for ways to be an ACTIVE participant in building the Kingdom of God!

Week 1- Rise Up Declaration

If you read the sermon recap on Monday, you are aware that my church has embarked on a Rise Up campaign. The campaign is an opportunity for us all to get involved in the work of the church. When I say church, I am not talking about a building or even a particular congregation. I am speaking of the universal church of Christ.

I am all about action points and tangible steps that I can take to improve my life and the lives of others. I was thrilled when I saw a weekly declaration posted on my church’s Facebook page. Not only are we being commissioned to rise up, but we have clear actions that will steer us in the right direction. On this week’s agenda is praying for ways to be an active participant in building the kingdom of God.

Hearing the sermon gets me charged up on Sundays. By the end of the sermon, I just know I can run on a little further. I know that I can make it one more day. But I really need to move beyond the spiritual high and hunker down and do the work. So prayer it is. Before I get out of my bed in the morning, I am purposeful to ask God to guide me. I want to be exactly where He would have me to be.

Consider joining in this challenge with me. Let this be your declaration this week. #wepreach

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