
Funny Bone Express

What tickles your funny bone?  What causes you to crack a smile?  What makes you laugh until tears run down your face?  Or are you one of those folks that have never had that experience?  I really hope that you have experienced a good old laugh-till-you-cry.

When I am tired, it does not take much to make me laugh from my gut.  If you talk to me after 10 p.m., I would probably have you thinking that you were the next great comedian.  The simplest joke or sideways comment will set me off.  Shoot, sometimes I have to tell myself to calm down.  Just last night, I saw a meme that had me gasping for air.  I knew I was over tired when I could not pull it together.  This year has made me more grateful than ever when I have moments of joy and elation.

Besides being tired, spending time with my kids in therapy has been known to put a smile on my face.  Kids say the darndest things.  They do the darndest things.  Most of the time, they are not trying to be funny.  They are just being honest or asking questions about things that concern them or even just sharing tales of their home life.  Listen parents, your kids tell all your business.  ALL OF IT!  I may have to hide my giggles at the time, but trust me, I laugh. 

I am also a fan of a great story-teller.  I broke bread with my cousins for the first time after a long time of isolation.  My cousin proceeded to tell a story about his experiences growing up in the country, and I LOST IT.  I swear I had never heard a funnier story.  Maybe I missed people more than I thought.  Maybe he is funnier than I give him credit for.  Either way, I laughed until I cried.  And would start laughing again anytime I thought about it that day.

Laughter is good for the soul.  I pray that something happens today that puts a smile on your face.  If you have never belly laughed before, I hope that you get to experience it.  Bible Study Mama has a loud and contagious laugh.  And if you really hit her funny bone with something, she will turn red and cry while laughing uncontrollably.  There is one joke that gets her EVERY time.  It is a joy to watch.  Ya’ll, it is so easy to get caught up in the gloom and despair that is going on around us.  Take a deep breath.  Pull from your happy place.  Have an awesome day today!  #wepreach

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