
Not Far and Still Too Far

Wednesday night Bible study at my church is called “Refresh.”  It’s a wonderful opportunity to get you over the hump until you get the Word on Sunday.  For a great portion of my life, it was the only time I’d crack open the Bible outside of Sundays.  I’m just being honest.  I still struggle to spend time just studying.  Writing the blog has helped my faith walk tremendously because I find myself getting interested in the stories of the people in the Bible.  The reality of their situations.  I’m looking at events with new eyes.  Enough about me.  On to the topic of this week’s Bible Study.

My pastor didn’t deliver the message.  That might have deterred others, but they missed a mighty word.  One of the associate ministers taught from Mark chapter 12.  This particular event begins with a scribe asking Jesus a question.  Scribes were responsible for copying Old Testament scripture.  They spent time with the Word.  They had intimate knowledge of all the laws that Jewish people were to uphold.

The scribe wants Jesus to tell the crowd which commandment is the most important.  Jesus responds that the very first commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength.  He then adds that the second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself.  Basically, Jesus says love God, love yourself, and love others, and you’ll be alright.

The scribe commends Jesus for giving such a concise response.  Then Jesus gives the man what appears to be a compliment.  Jesus tells the scribe that he is not far from the kingdom of God.  The associate minister put this part of the story in a new light.  Have you ever heard the saying “almost doesn’t count?”  I know it’s a song by the singer Brandy.  Since that came to mind, I can’t get the song out of my head!!!!  Pray for me…lol.

The point is that not being far from the kingdom of God is not good enough for me.  It shouldn’t be good enough for you either.  Not far = not in.  Wouldn’t you hate to almost get to heaven?  To almost have been ready to accept Jesus but then you died?   Oooooooo weeeeeeeee!  So many of us are not far from the kingdom, and yet we’re still far.  What’s holding you back from fully accepting Jesus?

 You can take time right now to say, “Lord, it’s me.  I know I mess up.  I get it wrong sometimes, and I’m tired of that life.  I’m choosing You today.  Will you come into my heart Jesus?  Will you wash all my sins away?  I need You.”  Or anything along that line.  Ask Jesus to come in and make you new, and He will.  I know because He makes me new EVERY day.  I’m not just saying that.  I’m living that.  #wepreach 


  • Anonymous

    When one realizes that the life they are living is not fullfilling and something is truly missing and ask God to change that he certainly will if the heart is sincere. I know because he did it for me . Try the one who loves us all.

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