37 for 37

Another One Bites The Dust

YA’LL!!!!!!  I AM SO BESIDE MYSELF!  For those that are not aware, I accepted a challenge for Outrageous October.  Before the month is finished, I need to have walked 60 miles.  As of October 7, 2020, I have walked 30 of those miles already.  Now you may be thinking that I am pumped because I am halfway to the goal seven days into this month.  While I am grateful to halfway there, it is not the reason that I am beside myself.

See, before the month started, I had a pull and a tug on my heart to walk a 5k for seven days straight.  I made a list of 37 things that I wanted to do while I am 37.  Since the walking came to mind, I figured that it must have been something I put on my list.  Did I go back and look at my list?  Nope.  I just knew that it was on there.

For seven days, Bible Study Mama and I toiled and labored.  We walked and sweated.  Our thighs, calves, and feet tried to talk us out of our mission.  Instead of walking a little over three miles every day, I thought that four miles would provide us with the right level of challenge.  On Sunday, my curiosity took over during our walk.  I wanted to see what was just around the corner.  We found a beautiful pond filled with lily pads.  A wonderful treat that added an extra mile to that day’s exercise.

When days six and seven came, we were both over it.  But we were so close, that we decided not to quit.  We trudged through our workouts.  We did not just survive.  We conquered.  We exceeded our original goal.  With such a great accomplishment behind me, you may wonder why I am beside myself.

Remember how I told you that this goal was on my list?  Well,  IT’S NOT ON MY LIST!!!!  I get such satisfaction when I can check an item off my list.  How did I get this so wrong???  I know that I had it on a list somewhere.  Finally, I found the goal.  I had written it for my 35 for 35 list.  Two years ago, my younger self thought it would be an appropriate goal.  Older me got the satisfaction of checking it off.

Clearly, life did not go the way I planned two years ago, but there is always room for growth and new experiences.  Do not ask me to do another seven days though.  What?!?!  I’m just being honest.  #wepreach

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