santa claus looking surprised while holding a santa bag

Ho, Ho, No!

Is that the sound of Santa’s reindeer on my roof?!?!  Nah…it’s just some creature that is seeking refuge from the cold in my attic.  As long as he stays up there and I stay down here, things will be A-okay!  Speaking of Santa and reindeer, I would like to tell you a little story about myself.  Do you have time?  Great!

I was always an inquisitive kid.  It was very important to me to try and make sense of the world.  I read everything that I could get my hands on.  And I do mean everything.  Notes were not safe around me.  Bible Study Mama caught on to my habit of reading her notes very quickly.  She converted to cursive.  Which only increased the speed with which I learned cursive.  I think you get the point.  I just had lots of questions.

Bible Study Mama was incredibly busy.  She worked all the time.  One day, I lost a tooth.  I was mulling over the whole Tooth Fairy story.  It just did not make sense to me.  While my mom was using the restroom, I barged in.  (Clearly moms do NOT need alone time.  Listen I had pressing questions.)  I looked her in the eyes and asked her to tell me the truth.  Was the Tooth Fairy real? 

With no hesitation, she said no and told me that I could collect the money for my tooth from the dresser.  I was relieved that she was honest with me.  I ran to get my money, and on my way there, I had another thought.  I barged back into the bathroom and said, “What about Santa?”  Her answer confirmed what I was thinking all along.  I left that day feeling empowered.  I am sure she was just glad to have a moment of silence.

What is amazing in all my questioning is that I did not question if God was real.  I clearly remember standing outside in the country one day and just KNOWING that I belonged to Him.  No doubt about it.  I had childlike faith in a God that I could not see or explain.  The older I got, the more the story of Christ’s birth filled my heart with wonder.  Of course, I had questions.  I am a questioner by nature.  But God gave me peace and certainty the more that I searched for truth.

I am grateful that I serve a true and living God.  I am grateful that each time I have a question He answers with no hesitation.  As we draw closer to Christmas, my prayer is that your heart is filled with wonder.  I pray that you draw closer to Christ.  #wepreach

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  • Анжелика

    SEOUL, South Korea — At meetings of the secretive Shincheonji Church of Jesus, worshipers sit packed together on the floor, wearing no glasses — or face masks. They come to church even when sick, former members say. After services, they split up into groups for Bible study, or to go out into the streets and proselytize. After the first coronavirus infection was reported among its members, they were told to lie about being followers, though the church later said that was not its policy.

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