Give Roses

I See God In Your Eyes

 I remember back when I was in 10th grade. One of the most prophetic days of my life. I was sitting behind my future wife who just didn’t know it. Or rather didn’t want to show that she knew this to be true, and I was in deep thought. I wasn’t paying attention to class at all. There was something much more important on my mind. See, at the time I wrote a lot of poetry. So I would constantly have a composition notebook with me and my only desire would be to write whatever came to mind. Whether it was a song or a poem, I just had to fulfill that need. Today’s need was centered around getting my future wife to notice me.

Since 9th grade, the only person truly in my sight was her. I needed to prove that to her. So first I ran through some titles and was doing my best to start with something that would call to her attention how much I cared for her and wanted her in my life. My wife has, and will always be, one of the most spiritual people I know. Even more so was this case during high school where it can be easy to just fall into whatever the crowd is doing and not follow God. I wasn’t anywhere near the man of God I am today but, something in her made me want to be. Like a flash of lightning that’s when it hit me. The title would be “I See God In Your Eyes.”

I started writing with a fury. Not knowing what was going down on the paper but allowing my “heart” to guide me through each and every rhyme. When I finished it I was satisfied and happy with myself and knew that this would be the one. This would be the day she’d see me. I gave her the poem along with two others I’d ended up writing that day and much to my dismay she wasn’t my girlfriend by the end of it. I felt defeated. I’d pulled out my spiritual card. I too had shown I knew the God she served. It wasn’t until years later after we’d finally started dating only to break up that God showed me what He meant for me to see that day.

I did see God in her eyes but, not how I needed to see Him. For so long, I’d been living life under my terms with His as an afterthought and not as the forefront of my life. How was I supposed to get a Godly woman when I was only using God as a prop? He knew what He wanted from me in those words, and so he structured my path to make it come true. I needed to see God and only God. He placed himself in her eyes just to say “Hello Joe. I’d like for us to get to know each other.”

This was such a strong moment for me in my life, and I am so grateful and thankful to God for allowing my Gray Rose to show me that. He placed a gift in front of me that I wasn’t ready for so I would seek Him to get ready. It’s an amazing thing how He shows himself to us daily in ways we notice and in ways we don’t. No matter what is going on everything happens for a reason. I am truly grateful for my wife and thankful beyond measure that it was her walk with God that allowed me to begin to walk with Him too. #wepreach


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