yellow sunflower and red apple fruits on green table

Blessing on Blessings

Every time I turn around. Blessings on blessings. Every time I turn around. Blessings on blessings. Sing Anthony Brown and Group Therapy!!! This song came to my mind as I was thinking about what to write for Bible Study Girl’s blog on giving roses. There are so many people who deserve roses but the one that I want to focus on is Jesus Christ, himself. This has been a year filled with grief, anxiety, loss after loss but through it all a year to focus on gratitude. Most of us would never know or appreciate sunshine if not for rain; joy if not for sadness and pain; or happiness if not for depression.

This year has left nothing to the imagination. Record number of hurricanes, horrific pandemic, virtual school attendance for students, police brutality, racism, a tumultuous political season that includes unfounded allegations of voter fraud and corruption, the wild fires, endless zoom meetings for work and church, having to social distance and wear masks, unemployment, cancelled vacations, and family gatherings being cancelled. For those of us who love spending time with our families, the inability to gather face to face has caused us a sense of loss and for many, depression. I’m sure I missed some of the atrocities that have occurred since March of 2020 but you get the idea.

Here are a few reasons I am taking time to focus on Jesus Christ and give Him the glory and honor that He so richly deserves:

  1. He has given me the activity of my limbs so that I can walk, work and feed myself.
  2. He has placed people in my life to encourage, strengthen, and do life with me.
  3. He has given me food and shelter.
  4. Even though most church buildings are closed, the real church, the eglisea, the body of Christ, the legs and feet of Christ, ME, I am still able to witness to the lost, minister to widows, orphans, homeless, sick and/or bereaved, because of the healing, saving, compassionate power of Jesus Christ.
  5. Jesus’ gift of forgiveness to me and my forgiveness to others because I have had to sit down and become more introspective and show grace and mercy to others as He has given the same to me.
  6. My son, Bible Study Brother, accepted his calling into the gospel ministry and is preaching the Word of God.
  7. My daughter, Bible Study Girl, was laid off but never missed a meal and has been able to recoup and pay her bills through the sacrificial gifts of others and her job reopening.
  8. I was asked to work less hours for about a month but I had enough PTO to supplement the hours that I was not able to work.

You see, blessings on blessings! There are so many more that I could tell about but suffice it to say, the blessings haven’t stopped coming!!! Take this time to reflect on the goodness of God and all that He has done for you. When I look around and think things over, I CAN’T COMPLAIN! #wepreach

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