Give Roses

(707) 873-7862

Social media is a mixed bag. On any given day, my timeline is flooded with a variety of posts. Mostly positive things and then I will stumble on something that is absolutely outrageous. At that point, I can choose to scroll past it or click and dive deeper. Honestly, it just reflects life. We take the good with the bad…the happy with the sad.

While doing an early morning scroll on social media, I stumbled across a post that was advertising something that seemed too good to be true. They posted a number and said that you could call it to hear pep talks from kindergarteners. Well, I don’t know about you but hearing motivation from a kid just warms my heart. Those little voices are so cute and uplifting. I decided to call the number and see if this was really true.

Ya’ll…it is! West Side Elementary School in Healdsburg, California started this project in February 2022. It is an automated system and you can choose the type of encouragement that you are seeking. These messages are priceless and put a big smile on my face as I started my day. So now, I am passing these smiles on to you! In a world that seems increasingly cruel, I am grateful for people that go out of their way to brighten up others’ days. #wepreach

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