(707) 873-7862
Social media is a mixed bag. On any given day, my timeline is flooded with a variety of posts. Mostly positive things and then I will stumble on something that is absolutely outrageous. At that point, I can choose to scroll past it or click and dive deeper. Honestly, it just reflects life. We take the good with the bad…the happy with the sad. While doing an early morning scroll on social media, I stumbled across a post that was advertising something that seemed too good to be true. They posted a number and said that you could call it to hear pep talks from kindergarteners. Well, I don’t know…
The Library Wins Again
You may not be aware of this, but I am a HUGE book lover. I devoured books when I was a kid. And I must say that my mom did her part to help my love for books grow. Maybe my mom took us to the library all the time to help her pockets out. Because as soon as I finished a book, I wanted another one. And a book habit is not cheap. Whatever the reason, my appreciation for books translated into a real love for the library and librarians. The downtown library was not shiny and new when I was a kid. It was showing its age. And…
A Sweet Treat
You would think that a blog about the many ways that I love my Mama would be easy to write. Not so much this year. And it’s not because I don’t have new reasons to love and appreciate her. No, that’s not it. I think it’s because I do not feel that I have words to adequately describe how much she means to me. So, I found myself typing and erasing and typing and erasing. But I have settled myself. And I am going to try my darndest to get this out of me. I love my mom like a fat kid loves cake. And I am a fat kid.…
Answered Prayer
I am a girl that wants what she wants…exactly when she wants it. Patience and waiting have not been my strong suits. So, when I decided that I wanted a sibling, I wanted what I wanted…and I wanted it right then. To be fair, I had no clue about the birds and the bees. No concept of a gestational period. I just knew that I had to make it plain to my mom that I was not meant to be an only child. Well, I didn’t have to wait too long. Nine months after my mom and stepdad got married, my brother burst onto the scene. The word “burst” is…
In case you had not noticed, I have been in a tug-of-war with consistency lately. I have the BEST intentions of posting sermon recaps every week. I attend church service, and the sermon hits home every time. Then I get in my car, make it home, and ignore the pull to recap the sermon for the blog. I spend time with my mom or complete some household project that has been on my to-do list. I get caught up in bingeing ANY TV series that has rave reviews. Or I get busy in the kitchen and meal prep. Basically, I choose ANYTHING except for sitting down and wrestling with the…