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Sermon Recap

What’s Your Reason?

On Sunday, Pastor wrapped up our journey through the book of Habakkuk.  And what a journey it has been.  Habakkuk began the book by asking God the tough questions.  He then had to stand ready to receive the answer that God had for him.  I don’t know about you, but it can be a challenge to hear a response that you did not anticipate.  Habakkuk handles it in stride.

In Habakkuk 3:17-19, we get to witness a wonderful relationship.  Although Habakkuk has been angry with God…although he has been frustrated by the trials and tribulations that have threatened to overtake him, he continues to talk to God.  I just have to take a moment to acknowledge how big of a feat that is.  Habakkuk does not let the tragedies of life turn him away from God.  He chooses to seek the face and counsel of the One who can turn it all around.  What an admirable trait!  When I am frustrated and disappointed by people, I tend to walk away.  Honestly, I can do that a bit with God.  Instead of pulling closer to Him, I will find comfort and answers in temporary pleasures.  Food…mindless TV…sleep.  What makes Habakkuk so different?  What reasons did he have to continue to pour His heart out to God?  How did he rejoice in the midst of trials?

Well, Habakkuk learned to prioritize his relationship with God in spite of the pain that he was enduring.  He did not minimize the difficulties that he was facing.  Y’all life can get messy.  Life can get really bad.  Sometimes people will ignore the chaos in their life.  Their right pinky toe could be falling off, and they will be in immeasurable pain.  But when you ask them how they are doing; they will say that they are blessed and highly favored.  I am sure you are blessed and highly favored sis, but your toe is about to be left behind.  Verbalizing a real pain to God can be the turning point in your healing.  Habakkuk realized the value in being honest with God.  In spite of the pain, he rejoiced in the knowledge that God was his strength.

The good news for us is that not only was God Habakkuk’s strength, but He is our strength too.  After listing all the dead things around him, Habakkuk finds his Help.  He says that he will joy in the God of his salvation.  Yes, life can certainly be trying but we should not forget that we have much to be thankful for.  On a hill called Calvary (yea, we’re going to the cross), Jesus hung, bled, and died for our sins.  Thankfully that dead situation is not the end of the story.  Three days later, Jesus came out of that tomb with all power in His hands.  My salvation was secured.   So was yours.  Dead situations have the power to be resurrected when we remain in close relationship with the Giver of life.  I place my life in God’s hands because it is really His.  I rejoice because He first loved me.  What’s your reason?  #wepreach

  • Do you turn away from God in hard times or turn towards Him?
  • What are your reasons for rejoicing in God? List them. Meditate on them this week.
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