Give Roses

Answered Prayer

I am a girl that wants what she wants…exactly when she wants it. Patience and waiting have not been my strong suits. So, when I decided that I wanted a sibling, I wanted what I wanted…and I wanted it right then. To be fair, I had no clue about the birds and the bees. No concept of a gestational period. I just knew that I had to make it plain to my mom that I was not meant to be an only child. Well, I didn’t have to wait too long. Nine months after my mom and stepdad got married, my brother burst onto the scene.

The word “burst” is very appropriate to describe the first time I laid eyes on the sibling I so desperately wanted. I walked into that hospital room just itching to get my hands on this little baby. My cute baby brother was in the middle of a diaper change as I pranced across the room. They opened his diaper and a stream of yellow liquid burst into the air. I screamed and jumped back. Not exactly the cute little baby I was expecting. I was cautious but I decided that we could keep him.

Our introduction was just a preview of what lay in store for our relationship. Bible Study Brother was a bundle of energy as a kid. A real go-getter. I was forced to climb under countless department store clothing racks to get that rambunctious kid. Every store outing was an opportunity for him to see how fast and far his little legs would carry him. Bible Study Mama would remind me that I wanted him, and I needed to get him. And I would go get him. He was mine.

Over time, our relationship has changed and grown. It has shifted and evolved. I have grown to see that he is not really all mine. He belongs to God and the good Lord has loaned him to me. For the good. For the bad. For the happy. For the sad. Not only has our relationship grown, but so has he. He is a husband. A creative. A minister. He is my friend.

November has been reserved as a month of thankfulness on this blog. And this first thankfulness blog is dedicated to Bible Study Brother. Brother, I pray that God gives you long life and that you get the opportunity to live it to the full. You are an answered prayer, and I am forever grateful. #wepreach

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