I’m childish ya’ll. I’m pretty sure that’s why I enjoy interacting with kids so much. It doesn’t take much to make me laugh and being with the littles makes me laugh often. But they aren’t the only ones that make me act like Tickle-Me Elmo. Not too long ago, Bible Study Cousin and I attended a money workshop. We were there to learn all about how to manage finances and get some insight on making smart money moves for business. Imagine my delight when they said that a magician would be one of the opening presenters. You know who wasn’t delighted? Bible Study Cousin. I swear she side eyed me…
Do It For Us
This time of social distancing from friends, family, co-workers, and church family has proved one thing. The church is not a physical building. The body of Christ is the church. And the church is expanding and thriving right now. Sunday’s worship experience in my home reiterated this fact. The Spirit of God was all in my home as I shared an online worship experience with my church family. Let’s dig into the sermon recap. My pastor preached a mighty word from Mark 9:14-29. The verses record the story of a father who was searching for help for his demon possessed son. The father knew of Jesus and His healing power,…
Sweet Love
For some reason, I can’t get love out of my mind. Not romantic love. You know, taking someone out for a moonlit stroll on the beach while some dude walks creepily behind you playing the violin. Not that kind. I’m talking about cleaning up your throw up and changing the sheets because you are grossly ill love. I guess I’m thinking of true love. And, I don’t know why I can’t stop thinking of it. I haven’t been watching anything oriented towards love. Well, I take that back. I’ve been watching Tiger King on Netflix and love plays a prominent role in this addicting docuseries. Primarily the love of money. …
37 for 37
Bible Study Cousin came up with a genius idea for her 40th year of life. She created a list of 40 experiences that she wanted have that year. Some were personal and others involved interacting with other people. Even though it was her list, I had a blast helping her knock some of the items off the list. I was so inspired that I created a 35 for 35 list. Neither of us got the list completely cleared, but it made for some interesting experiences. Since I have free time, I decided to create a list of 37 experiences that I want to have to celebrate turning 37 this year…
Hold On
Are you one of those super serious Christians? Is it hard for you to laugh and smile in the sanctuary? Does it make you uncomfortable when others joke around with you because nothing is funny? Bless your heart. You would not have been a fan of Wednesday night’s online Bible study then. Although my pastor addressed the serious concerns that face us today, I logged off with a smile on my face and happiness bubbling in my home. Wednesday night REFRESH was conducted in a question and answer format. Viewers typed in their questions and pastor responded. And his answers were rather candid. The topic of fear and anxiety was…
When It Rains…It Pours
While I was lounging on the couch, a deluge of rain fell from the sky. Fitz, my cat, continued his nap perched in his favorite place by the window. Even though the sky had been overcast all day…even though the conditions were conducive for a downpour, I was caught off guard. I’m a fan of watching rain from the coziness of home. Since I’ve been afforded the opportunity to spend time at home, I snuggled in and watched the downpour. And what a downpour it was! The rain was falling so heavily that all I could see was a white sheet of water. I focused on the loud sound it…
Building My Strength
In an attempt to maintain some normalcy, I decided to establish a routine around here. I gave myself some grace and just allowed my body to wake up naturally. The day wouldn’t start until I was fully rested. Then after I got out of bed, the plan was to workout using YouTube. I assigned myself a room to deep clean daily. I would then work on my book for a couple of hours. After all those things were completed, I would have free time. Beautiful plan, don’t you think? Of course, my plan got derailed. I did great last Monday and Tuesday. But honey, I was over it by Wednesday. …
When You’re Shut In
Before I joined my current church, I was a member of Bedside Baptist for about six months. If you’ve never heard of Bedside Baptist, I can give you a brief introduction to this grand church. That simply means that I stayed in bed on Sunday mornings instead of going to church. I would watch a sermon online or sometimes just watch the back of my eyelids as I slid further into sleep. I’m not proud of that time. But it gave me great practice for the current season that we’re in. This past Sunday’s church service was held at Bedside Baptist in my home. I sang along with the praise…
Faith. It’s easy to make declarations about having faith when your world is going at a typical pace. When every day is not great but not horrible either. When life is average, you can hope for the extraordinary and not be too terribly put off when the extraordinary doesn’t occur. Miracles are only special because they don’t happen all the time. So, we hope for the things not seen, but we can get complacent in our faith. You can go back to my first postings in January 2020 and practically smell the hope. You can almost tangibly feel the anticipation. Something great was on the horizon. Things were clicking along…
The Question
Your life can change in a single moment. When I hear others say that, I often think of how you’re doing just fine and then a tragedy hits. I mean, you’re minding your business and then life deals you a heavy blow. Thankfully, God gave me a more positive outlook. He didn’t leave me in that space. Typically if I’m writing about the same topic as other contributors to Bible Study Girl, I make sure that my blog is written before I read theirs. I don’t want to be influenced by what they felt led to share. BSG week broke all the rules. Although we agreed on a topic, I…