37 for 37

1. Complete Three 5k’s.

In my quest for a healthy lifestyle, I embarked on a challenge to walk 50 miles in the month of August.  Well, let me be totally transparent.  I have been working out four days a week for a majority of 2020.  While at home in quarantine, I maintained consistency.  On some days, my workout would be walking.  On others, I would find a routine on YouTube and go for it.  However, once I went back out into the working world, my workouts slacked way off.

Bible Study Mama cornered me one day.  As only mama bears can do and said that we needed to start walking again.  Here is my honest reaction (in my head).  Naw fam!  But what I said out of my mouth is that I knew she was right.  The good Lord had been telling me to get back on it.  My mama was confirming what I already knew.  We came up with tentative days of the week and moved on with life.

I guess Jesus figured that I really did not understand what He wanted of me.  That same week my cousin challenged us to walk 50 miles in the month of August.  Now my initial reaction to her proposal was much stronger than my reaction to my mom’s request to get back on it.  Luckily, her proposal came through text so I had time to get myself together before I responded.  My flesh flared up at the suggestion that I should push myself.  Like, in a BIG way.

In that moment, I had to make a choice.  Was I going to give God enough to satisfy His request or was I going to commit to pushing myself beyond what felt comfortable?  While I do not believe at this moment that 50 miles a month will be a lifestyle, do I trust God enough to reach for goals that seem impossible?  My flesh was surely saying no, but I could not deny that still small voice was pushing me to do it.

I did not blindly say yes to a 50-mile challenge.  I counted the cost.  Literally.  I calculated how many miles I would have to walk each day to make this goal a reality.  And then I got sad when I saw the numbers.  I averaged about 32 miles a month on workouts.  Adding a whole 18 more miles was a stretch.  I barely did the 32 miles.  Come on now Jesus!  But I still said yes.

We are nine days into the month now, and we will have walked 22 miles of the challenge by the time today is done.  LOOK….AT…..GOD!  Oh yeah, I realized something.  On Saturday, I completed the first goal on my 37 for 37 birthday list.  I have walked three 5k’s in the month of August.  I wrote the vision, made it plain, and completely forgot about it, but God did not.  Pays for me to listen to Him.  I will let you guys know how the rest of the month pans out.

If you see two thick sisters walking up and down hills, huffing and puffing, do not mind us.  We are just obeying our Father.  #wepreach

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