

These days, I have time on my hands.  I can walk leisurely around my home.  Although, I don’t do that often…LOL.  I alternate my time between the dining area/couch/bedroom.  My increased time on my couch has placed me within eyeshot of my vision boards.  After I crafted the boards, I placed them beside my front door.  I wanted to see them every day before I left the house.  You know, back when I went to work.

A single phrase jumps out at me from those boards every day. “Know the difference between a want and a need.”  Ya’ll let me tell you.  If I have learned nothing else in this season, I have definitely learned the difference between the two.  I’ve shared before that I felt God leading me to downscale my lifestyle.  And, I started that process back in October.  Key word: started.

Unfortunately, I didn’t jump in with both feet.  I dipped a toe in the water.  I stopped ordering items on Amazon every week.  I stopped going inside of Target, because I knew that I would walk out with bag after bag.  It’s one of my favorite stores, and they always have the cutest things.  I no longer looked in Kirkland’s to see if I could justify spending more money.  Instead of spending money on décor, eating out, or clothing, I switched my focus. 

At that time, I really NEEDED to switch my focus to paying off my debt.  I didn’t.  The focus switched to spending money to build my skills for a new business venture.  I was still spending money though.  Although I felt the Lord leading me to my business, He didn’t tell me to incur more debt.  His instruction to me was to downscale.  Dipping that toe in the water didn’t help me as much as I thought it had.

The beginning of 2020 brought me more into focus.  I wanted what God wanted for me.  I was committed to being intentional with my finances.  I jumped in with both feet.  I was on track!  The plan was working…and then…corona.  And all the plans that I had were out of the window.

If you go back and reread what I just wrote, you’ll see that the word “my” is used quite often.  The reality is that I didn’t get what I needed until my wants lined up with God’s wants for me.  Maybe you don’t know this about me, but I’m stubborn.  Opinionated.  And I can be both of those with a smile on my face and a pleasant demeanor.  Although strength is needed to get through life, it can also keep you from experiencing God’s best.

So, what do I want now?  Peace.  To walk in my purpose.  To live debt free.  Health.  Health for family and friends.  An intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.  Time with family.  Actually….I want whatever God wants for me.  And I need whatever God has for me.  Even when it doesn’t feel good.

My cousin sent a work prayer to us this morning, and it blessed me.  It was the very thing that I needed and no clue that I wanted.  Since the prayer blessed me, I thought that it would be nice to pray for you all.  Here goes…

Lord, I’m thankful for this day.  Thank you for opening my eyes this morning and giving us a brand-new day, full of brand-new mercies.  Thank you for watching over us.  Thank you for protecting us from ourselves.  Thank you for protecting us from spiritual attacks.  You are more than enough, and we have more than enough when we trust You.  Please guide us and show us that what we need is in You. We just have an expectation that You will us show where we need to be.  Help us to be light in a dark world.  Continue to exceed every expectation that we’ve ever had.  The atmosphere is just right for miracles, signs, and wonders, and we’re in position for You to do your mighty works.  We love you!  Amen!  #wepreach

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