Why the #wepreach hashtag? It was not my idea. My pastor preached a sermon about Naaman. Naaman was a commander of the army of the king of Syria. He was very successful, but he had leprosy. And he wanted to be healed. A servant girl told him about a prophet in Israel who was performing great miracles. People were getting healed from their diseases. Naaman wanted in. He traveled to Israel to meet the prophet. Elisha, the prophet, didn’t come out of his house but sent a messenger to Naaman and told him to go wash in the Jordan River seven times to be healed. Naaman was furious. First of…
Bring the Oil
Something happened to me. On a Wednesday night at church. I was minding my business. The guest preacher had finished his sermon and was calling people to the altar for prayer. He called on people who needed prayer for depression, financial issues, health…..you get the picture. I needed prayer for all those things, but I did what I usually do. I stretched my hands up and said “Lord, you can send your healing right on to this pew. You know what I’m in need of.” People went back to their seats after the prayer, and then he said that God wanted him to pray for business owners. My body instantly…
Living Legacy
People always remember where they were when they experience life changing events. I was laying on my couch in Houston when my mother called to tell me that my great-grandmother, Ma Patra, had passed away. I had just seen her the weekend before, so it wasn’t a surprise. I knew it was coming. Cancer had taken its toll on her body. She was ready for rest. And she deserved rest. Ma Patra raised my grandmother, mother, and me (for the first five years of my life). My mom delivered me three days after her high school graduation. Ma Patra believed in education so off to college my mom went. I…
Your Breath Smells Like Milk
Aren’t babies the best? They smell good. They make the cutest sounds. They find joy in the weirdest things. They’re so innocent. Sweet Baby was 10 months old and having a sleepover with me and mom. She woke up so happy and ready to explore the world. Before we got out of the bed and started moving around for the day, I gave her a bottle. I was laying down, and she was babbling in my face. I said “Ewww, your breath smells like milk.” She was OFFENDED. She gave me straight stank face. She didn’t appreciate my comment. Sister, or brother, your breath smells like milk. And you should…
I Climbed a Mountain
I climbed a mountain. I’m not being deep or spiritual. I mean that I literally climbed a mountain. To fully appreciate the fact that I made it to the top, you need some background. I’m not into exercise. When people are in exercise class grunting and feeling the burn, you can catch me going along until it’s over. Listen, I know I need exercise but I’m generally not going at it full steam ahead. The instructor would not be calling me to the front to lead the class while they get a little break. So now that we’re on the same page, I can continue my story. Tomica and I…
For Such a Time as This
“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14 My bestie asked me if I had ever thought about writing a book. It wasn’t her first time asking me. I gave her my usual answer…”nope.” What did I have to write about? Then I asked her if she had ever thought of writing one. She said she had a story to tell, but she wasn’t compelled to write it down. Our conversation…