
An Acquired Taste

Did ya’ll know that kids grow, change, and mature?  They learn new information constantly.  Do not laugh at me.  I mean, I KNEW that about kids, but I forgot to apply that knowledge.  Sweet Baby called me a couple of weeks ago.  She wanted to schedule a sleepover.  It was long overdue, so I gave her the go-ahead.  We set a date and got ready to party.

Sleep over day arrived.  We partied hard.  Watched a movie.  Painted a pumpkin.  Chit chatted about life.  She devoted much of her time to loving on Fitz, my cat.  He finally gave up and allowed her to love on him without complaint.  We were pooped.  Sleep was welcome for both of us.  The next day dawned beautifully.

Sweet Baby woke up saying good morning, and the next words out of her mouth were a request for breakfast.  Now, I forgot to let you know that Sweet Baby has definitive ideas about foods.  She is often reluctant to try foods that are outside of her normal repertoire.  I made sure to have a good variety of lunch, dinner, and snack options.  I completely forgot about breakfast.  No worries.  I had cereal and….almond milk.

Almond milk is a staple in my home.  Unfortunately, I knew that Sweet Baby was probably going to be opposed to that idea.  See the thing is, she always has almond milk when she is at my house.  I just do not let her know it.  Remember that I said that kids grow, change, and mature?  I forgot the girl can read now.  She asked if I was pouring almond milk into her cereal.  Busted.  She scrunched her face up but gave it a try.  Then she said, it was actually delicious.  Crisis averted.

For years, I have attended church and had great meaty principles available.  Unfortunately, I was not in a position to really appreciate and understand the information.  I felt that some of the concepts were beyond me.  They were too weighty to really take in.  I just did not have a taste for them.  Here lately, I have been focusing on chewing the meat that has been placed in front of me.  Listen, it has taken some concentration.  I am working hard not to choke and get overwhelmed.  I have found it to be quite delicious.  Guess I’m growing, changing, and maturing.  #wepreach

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