
Broken Crayons

I was coloring a picture with my little friend the other day. I poured the markers onto the table so that we wouldn’t have to pull them out of the box as we needed them. My friend decided to help as little friends often do. He poured all 24 crayons onto the table… unfortunately most of them hit the floor.

This would have been a non issue if the floor was carpeted or there was a rug to break the crayons fall. But we were coloring at my dining room table. Which sits on a tile floor.

“Sorry!”, he said, as he got down to pick the crayons up. Then he noticed that some of the crayons were broken. You may not know this if you’re not around kids often, but these new age kids like fully intact crayons. He wanted to throw my crayons away! I had to let him know that even though some of the crayons were broken… they still color.

Maybe life has broken you in ways that people can’t see with the naked eye. They just know that there is something off about you. And they don’t want to be bothered. They want to throw you away because you’re not whole.

I’ve got great news for you. You can still color! Broken doesn’t mean useless. There’s only one you, and we need you to make our picture complete. No one else can be you or do what you do. You add just the right pop to the life that we’re coloring. #wepreach

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