
Stay in the Race

Over a month ago, a friend sent me picture of her kids after a Color Run. It jogged my memory (like my pun? LOL) that I had signed up for the Foam Glow 5k way back in June of this year. I was feeling so optimistic about my health journey at the time that I registered. However, I had settled back into eating and watching TV probably a week after that optimistic feeling hit.

My last 5k experience at the Bubble Run almost took me out. You know they have the couch to 5k app? It helps get you from no exercise to being able to complete a 5k. Each week the exercises intensify. Unfortunately leading up to the Bubble Run, I didn’t work out AT ALL beforehand. I literally went from eating and watching TV on my couch to participating in the race. If I only I had been wise and participated in the training. We completed the race. And it was actually fun, but I just knew that any second I was going to die.

So the picture from my friend propelled me into action. I could have a different outcome this time. Ya’ll know exercise is not my preferred activity, but I’ve been trying to live better and be better. I’m exercising my faith….and my body.

For four weeks, I committed to an hour on the treadmill at least 4 days a week. I didn’t follow a fancy program. I just walked. And watched the movies in the Cardio Cinema to pass the time. Foam Glow race day arrived, and I felt ready.

I put my tattoo on my face and ran to Tomica’s car. We arrived at the race. I started walking….and it wasn’t bad. I then encountered my nemesis. A section that was cordoned off that made you loop and walk up two step inclines. Nobody else was doing it, but I wanted to slay this giant. It was the part that I had been dreading the most.

I walked up the first incline as fast as I possibly could. And I didn’t die. When I reached the top, I stopped to catch my breath. A woman that was walking behind me with her husband said, “Don’t stop. We were following you.” What???? Girrrrrl, ya’ll were using me to set your pace????? Now if that ain’t a testimony I don’t know what is.

We finished the race. We danced in the foam party. We had a great night. The thing I dreaded really just showed me how far I had come since the last time I faced that giant. Stay in the Word. Keep praying. Go to church. Fellowship with other believers and non believers. Because the race that we’re running can actually be fun. We don’t always have to feel like we’re dying. We are already winners, and life is so much better when we walk like the race is won. #wepreach

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