• brown leafed trees wallpaper

    The Quiet

    Well, well, well. What do we have here? It’s me. I’m here. November has traditionally been a month that I take time out to share with you just some of the things that I am grateful for. A time for reflection. A time to take a pause and focus on the goodness of God. Even if I am tired. Even if I am busy. Even if I feel that I do not have the time. And right now…especially right now, I just do not feel that I have the time. I am juggling ALL of the things and wondering how to not drop one.  And while I am talented in…

  • brown hatchet on log
    Sermon Recap

    A Big Deal Over A Little Thing

    It’s been a month of Sundays since I wrote a sermon recap. Make that months of Sundays. Charge it to my head…and my heart. I have been on the struggle bus, but I suppose now is as good a time as any to get off. And Sunday’s sermon helped me get out of my seat and join civilization. I hope it does the same for you. Enough chit chat. Let’s dive into the sermon. 2 Kings 6:1-7 contains a story that is easy to overlook. One of those passages of scripture that you glaze over. Not a big deal. A school of prophets had outgrown their current living arrangements. They…

  • closeup and selective focus photography of toothbrush with toothpaste

    All Smiles

    I had the same dentist for the majority of my life. He finally retired two or three years ago and sold his practice to a younger man. And while I understood that he was ready to move on to his next phase in life, his retirement threw me for a loop. I can remember my first time in his office like it was yesterday. I must have been in the second grade. My tooth had been giving me the blues. I was in all kinds of pain. My mom had to work, so I went to school until it was time for my dental appointment. I was miserable. My teacher…

  • battle black blur board game
    Sermon Recap

    The Right Side

    Happy Monday! This IS the day the Lord has made. We WILL rejoice and be glad in it. Friday’s tornado ripped through our city and created mass destruction in seconds. I do not take it for granted that my family made it through the storm safely. I do not take it lightly that so many families lost all their worldly possessions. These thoughts were running through my head as I made my way to church on Sunday and are still running through my head today. Faith without works is dead, and it is my responsibility to help those in need as much as I can. With action. Not only thoughts…

  • red lawn mower on grass

    Spring Has Sprung

    Spring has sprung, and so have the weeds in my yard. Actually, the weeds sprung up at the very beginning of the month. I stared at them growing in my backyard as I rinsed off my plates and cutlery at the kitchen sink. I glanced at them sprouting in the front yard as I hurried to my car to go run errands. They brushed my ankles on my return home after a long day. Yup! Spring has sprung and brought with it rain, slightly warmer weather, and those weeds. The weeds were not as much of an issue when I was getting my yard professionally treated. I know…I know…I know.…

  • information sign on paper

    The Workaround

    I work from home. I sit at the computer all day and do my work. While that would drive some folks to drink, it fills my cup. With the exception of occasional phone calls and team meetings, my day is quiet. And I like it way. I can listen to audiobooks and have a TV show on in the background. I can listen to music. Or just enjoy the silence. I set the atmosphere and happily type away. And while I have minimal contact with others during the workday, there are opportunities to engage with my coworkers. Several different chat rooms exist so that we can ask questions if we…

  • paddles on sand
    Sermon Recap

    Ministry at the Fourth Watch

    It’s another day’s journey, and I am glad about it. My weekend was full of activity and capped off with the celebration of my Pastor’s 26th anniversary of ministry. Listen…that’s a long time to be dedicated to serving the people of God in a pastoral capacity. Shoot…that is a long time to be dedicated to ministry in any capacity. It takes staying power and a commitment to a calling that is greater than you. Sunday’s sermon served as an encouragement to him, and I think it may empower you as well. Let’s dive in. Mark 6:45-52 finds the disciples in a bit of a predicament. They are in a boat.…

  • macbook pro on brown wooden table

    Write the Vision

    The urge to write hits me at the oddest times and in the strangest moments. A thought will bubble up in my head, and I will want to capture it. Frequently, it is a “stream of consciousness type of experience.” I do not have to scramble for words. They are just there. And they want to be put on a page. They want to spill out onto an empty page and just chill for a while. Sometimes, my fingers cannot keep up with this steady stream of ideas. I misspell or bunch words together but I keep typing. Until the stream dries up. Until all the words have been released.…

  • human standing beside crucifix statue on mountain
    Sermon Recap

    Look Beyond This

    When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, “Woman, behold your son!” John 19:26 NKJV I was probably in my early twenties before I sat down and contemplated the kind of suffering Jesus endured on the cross. Listen, I was raised in the Baptist church, so I was quite familiar with the fact that Jesus died and got up on the third day with all power in His hands. I walked down the aisle at nine years old and said out of my own mouth that I believed He laid His life down and picked it back up just…

  • Transparent

    Pump the Brakes

    Let me set the scene for you. Bible Study Mama and I journeyed to Tacoma, Washington last April to visit Bible Study Brother and Canae. We had not seen them in person in seven months. Our face to face reunion was long overdue. I spent quite a bit of time compiling a list activities, and restaurants, that we could enjoy while we were all together. We were only there for 4 days and I wanted to fill our days making memories and having new experiences. Our first adventure was riding a ferry to an island. Listen….I watch Grey’s Anatomy regularly and having ferries right there was too tempting to pass…

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