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What are you passionate about?  Maybe a TV show or your favorite singing group.  Maybe it is sports, and you have the lineup for every professional game on your schedule.  It might even be your career.  You are a workaholic and cannot rest until the job is finished.

No matter what you are passionate about, I am sure that you are well informed on the subject.  You take time to discover new things about your object of interest.  If there is a back story, you are well versed in the topic.  The subject of passion came up the other day, and I had to take a look at myself.  A real look.

See, I say that I love Jesus.  And I do.  But am I passionate about my relationship with Him?  Anyone who has been in a relationship for any amount of time realizes that relationships have peaks and valleys.  Some days you can’t wait for them to get home and other days you send them on errands so that you will not have to be together for too long.  And I am not surprised when that happens in my relationship with people.  But it took me off guard to realize that my passion for Him is not as consistent as it should be. 

While I realize that the issue is me, I get frustrated that I do not go as hard for Him as I should.  No one else could even come close to being as good to me as He is and yet I find myself struggling to commit to morning devotional.  Sometimes, you have to work to rekindle that spark and that passion.  And that is not easy.  That is not fun.  But the fire is still inside me. 

Every time I read the Bible, I get a new revelation.  Every time.  It adds work to the fire that is already burning.  The fire starts to burn a tad bit hotter.  When I talk about my fears and faith with my believing friends, the fire turns up another notch.  When I participate in Sunday worship on YouTube from home, my passion ramps up.  I have to constantly keep myself in situations that stir up the Holy Spirit in me.  Then my passion comes to life.  I just have to keep pushing and pressing.  The passion will live to see another day. #wepreach

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