Until It Happens
My first kiss happened in the rain. Not a complete downpour and not a drizzle. It was that spot in between. And, for me, it was magical. I’m a nerd from way back. Books and my imagination have been my company since I can remember. While I have a heart for people, I can often stay to myself. Relationships get messy. Communication falters. You get hurt. So, a first kiss was a teenage dream that I thought would evolve into a young adult dream. Until it happened. For others, their teen years were a dream. Child, I was dreaming of adulthood. I wanted my own place, my own life. I…
Under Pressure
A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure. I had a quote like this on my therapy wall for many years. Doesn’t it sound good? I can see people everywhere nodding their heads. It just resonates with you and encourages you to keep going when life is pressing in on you from every side. But…it’s not true. See, I was going to write a blog about how life can pressure you. I was going to tell you that we are all formed from the dust. Then I was going to segue and let you know that the process is shaping you and refining you into a…
True Victory
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10 When I know that I’m on my way to get Bible teaching, I pray that God gives me a Word that I’m able to live out in my day to day life. I don’t want to just go and hear about Biblical principles. I want practical ways to make those principles alive in my life. This Wednesday night Refresh at church gave me a key ingredient to living a life of victory. Pastor opened Bible study by reading…
Get on Board
My church’s focus this year is on becoming “one.” We’re not supposed to just be people that see each other at church on Sundays. The goal is to create an environment of unity. To function on one accord. In the past when I thought of unity, it generally involved the institution of marriage. It evoked images of two single tapered lit candles coming together to light the flame of a fat candle. Then the flames of the single candles were extinguished. Because the two had become one. Such a simple and beautiful image. And so difficult to orchestrate in our everyday lives. Unity has the power to change the world. …
Eat Your Peas
When I was a kid, I despised peas. I know most kids don’t like vegetables but that wasn’t the case for me. I thoroughly enjoyed vegetables. My great-grandmother made the best cabbage on this side of glory. I referred to cabbage as Cabbage Patch Kids and often requested more. So, I didn’t have a disdain for all vegetables. Just those sweet, little, squishy peas. My mom was a stickler for family dinner when I was younger. We sat at the dinner table and were required to eat all that was on our plates if we wanted dessert. And boy, my mom made some delicious meals. Except for the times that…
The Truth About Faith
Faith has been a running theme in my life here lately. Saturday was officially my four-year anniversary of being a homeowner. When I began to look for a home, I found the perfect one. I paid for the home inspection and appraisal on the house. While on a cruise, I got the news that the deal fell through. I was devastated. Basically, I was told that I just wouldn’t ever be in position to own a home. I lost faith. Sunday’s sermon peeled back the layers of what we consider to be faith. Pastor came from Hebrews 11 and challenged me to recognize where I place my faith. Hebrews 11…
God has been speaking to me so clearly these days. It’s not an audible voice. Usually while I’m reading scriptures, certain scriptures leap out to me. They stick in my mind, and I’ll hear them repeated in various ways as I go about my day. Waaaaaay back in the beginning of this blog, I spoke about being anointed. I felt strongly that God had called me and chosen me to work for Him. I couldn’t put my finger on the exact thing that He wanted from me. But I knew that I was His, and He had an assignment in mind. The thing is, we’re all chosen by God. He…