Sermon Recap

The Truth About Faith

Faith has been a running theme in my life here lately.  Saturday was officially my four-year anniversary of being a homeowner.  When I began to look for a home, I found the perfect one.  I paid for the home inspection and appraisal on the house.  While on a cruise, I got the news that the deal fell through.  I was devastated.  Basically, I was told that I just wouldn’t ever be in position to own a home.  I lost faith.

Sunday’s sermon peeled back the layers of what we consider to be faith.  Pastor came from Hebrews 11 and challenged me to recognize where I place my faith.  Hebrews 11 is known as the Hall of Faith.  The heavy hitters in scripture are listed and recognized for their faith journeys.

We see Abel, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and other Israelite heroes counted in the number of those who had great faith.  Each person is created with persevering by faith.  The words “by faith” permeate the chapter and give me shivers.  Because I thought I was operating in faith.  Until Sunday’s sermon.

See, at the end of Hebrews 11, the writer says that all the heroes of faith didn’t receive what was promised.  <Record screech>  Flag on the play.  Wait a minute.  What?!?!  You mean to tell me that these well-known people who were credited for their faith didn’t receive what was promised???

I was perplexed.  I was unsettled.  I was ready for the answer to this predicament.  And the answer unfolded.  Faith doesn’t always allow us to get what we want.  We get super spiritual when faith is involved.  We claim material things.  We claim health.  We claim victory over what we consider to be dead end jobs. 

But can we claim that we’re in communication with God?  You know Him?  Our Creator.  Often our declarations of faith are just an attempt to manipulate a God who has all power.  Y’all God wants us to come to Him with more than our hands stretched out asking for more.  He wants us to place our faith in HIM and not whatever we are wanting OF Him.  Will we love Him even if He doesn’t move the way that we want Him to?  Or is our faith in the resources that He can dole out?

When we put our faith IN God, and not our desires, it always leads to something better.  The Bible says that the heroes of faith didn’t receive what was promised SINCE God had provided something better.  Something better is always good news.  And sometimes, we don’t get to experience our something better on Earth.  Parts of me cringe when I hear that, but I know it’s true.  I’m so used to getting things my way and getting them now.  It takes maturity to wait on a promised gift.  I know parents everywhere have experience with kids that don’t get what they want, when they want it.  We talk about our kids, but are we any better when it comes to waiting for our rewards?

You already know that I’m a homeowner, so ultimately God provided.  The house was trashy.  There was mold.  Disgusting carpet.  Disorienting wall colors.  An axe mark in the front door.  To others, it didn’t look like much.  To me, it was the fulfillment of His promise.  The interior of the home looks nothing like what it did when I began this journey.  My prayer is that you allow God to remake your heart and redefine your faith.  I promise you’ll experience something better.  #wepreach

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