
One Box At A Time

Have you ever felt a pull to do something that was outside of your comfort zone?  Maybe it was a call from God or maybe it was just a fleeting thought that you had.  You weighed out your options and decided that it probably was the Lord.  So, you stepped out on it.  You fully embraced what you felt God called you to do.  How did that work out for you?

I’m asking for myself.  Within the last nine months, I have been fully outside of the box that I placed myself in.  Before you hate on my box, let me tell you.  I was fully comfortable in that box.  My box had central heat and air.  My box had all kinds of amenities.  My friends were welcome to come into the box from time to time.  Occasionally, I would peek outside of my box and see that there was nothing outside of said box for me to enjoy.  Until one day…

God gave me an invitation to step outside of my carefully constructed and guarded box.  He wanted to take me on a journey.  Now ya’ll know that I ask all the questions.  I was fully armed and fired away questions in a rapid succession.  He answered my questions with a question of His own, “Do you trust me?”

In full disclosure, my answer was “I want to trust You.  I’m scared.  I need to know what’s going to happen to me if I do this.”  My answer is probably not popular, but it’s my true answer.  I couldn’t shake the feeling of wanting to be in control.  Even though I recognize that I have absolutely no control, I still wanted to feel like I did.  It’s not logical, but don’t judge me.  Judge your mama.

I stepped out of the box and begin to pour my feelings about my faith into this blog.  Every day.  I made a commitment to honor what I felt God called me to do.  In many ways, this has gotten much easier with time.  Easy in the sense that I know it’s what I’m supposed to be doing.  There is a certainty in that.  Every day.  I sit in front of my computer.  I pray.  I ask God for direction.  He makes it happen.

On the flip side, it has gotten harder as time passes.  Because every day, I sit in front of my computer.  I pray.  I ask God for direction.  He makes it happen.  In His time.  That last part is the kicker.  The wait.  The trust.  The belief that this is actually what He wants of me.

Did I mention before that my box was comfortable?  There is a whole world of people outside of my box that I would not have had the opportunity to get to know.  Stepping outside my comfortable box opened doors that I did not even know were closed on the inside of me.  Stepping outside of my box has granted me true freedom.

If you feel a pull or tug from the Holy Spirit, this is your confirmation that you need to just do it.  While I was snuggled in the four walls of my box, I was missing out on my destiny.  Being outside of my comfort zone has been challenging at times, but I would not trade it for the woman that I was before.  My time with this blog and with other people of faith is moving me closer to the woman that God created me to be.

Take the step.  Do that one thing.  God will lead you the rest of the way.  #wepreach

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