The holiday season is upon us. For many of us that means that we get to participate in fun family traditions. My family has several traditions that have passed on through the years. I come from a family of givers. Giving to everyone at Christmas time has become more difficult because our family has steadily increased in number (and size…LOL). So, some years ago, we placed everyone’s name in a container on Thanksgiving. You were only responsible for getting a gift for the person’s whose name you pulled. Fun idea, right? Bible Study Cousin and I also started a tradition where we get a Christmas gift for the whole family. …
Revive Me
Ya’ll probably get sick of me saying this, but my Pastor has been dropping the unadulterated Word of God. Sunday’s sermon was no exception. He preached from the book of Acts, chapter 20. Acts chapter 20 begins with the story of Paul teaching and preaching to the disciples and others that have gathered. They fellowshipped and ate and then Paul gets to work. The teaching is so good that Paul is still going at midnight. (I’m sure many of us in the black church can relate to loooong services…LOL.) Eutychus is a young man who is there to hear Paul’s teaching. Unfortunately, this brother is tired. He seems to have…
Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart
Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. I Chronicles 16:34 Happy Thanksgiving! 2019 started off horribly and but has become the best year ever. Why is it so great for me? Because I’m starting to step into the woman that God created me to be. Of course, I’m a work in progress just like everyone else. So with that introduction out of the way, I’m going to tell you just some of the things that make my heart smile. God’s grace. I don’t deserve it. Couldn’t earn it. But He gives it over and over again. Tacos. The kind with the homemade…
Everyday is Thanksgiving
Every year around this time we come together to be with family, friends, and loved ones. We enjoy eating copious amounts of food, watching football, and shoppping like mad men. This is the time of “Thanksgiving.” The funny thing about this holiday is the fact that, by all accounts, it’s a scheduled time of thanks. Which, as I grow closer to God, seems odd. Do I really need a reminder to be thankful? Has God done so little for me that I somehow can get all of my thanks to Him done in one day? Being continually thankful is hard. I struggle with it. Especially when I’m going through…
There’s a Blessing in the Storm
I am grateful for my home. Because I was raised by my grandparents (maternal and paternal), I always prayed to God for my own home and family. In 1987, I thought that God had answered my prayer when I got married after a 2 ½ year courtship. However, in 2005, the marriage ended in divorce and my vision of what my home and family would look like died. I felt like a failure and honestly, I even felt like God had failed me. He knew the desires of my heart and it was all gone. So when God told me to not take anything from the home I had shared…
Best Laid Plans
Ms. Bible Study Girl and I have been friends for going on two decades now, and I was honored to be included in this series of her blog. When she first told me the topic, what I’m thankful for, I thought I knew exactly what I was going to write about. Initially, I was going to write about how thankful I am for our friendship (and I am very thankful for it), but then something happened. The book fair. The day started out just like any other day. Get up. Get ready for work and school. Go to said places. It was a special day at my children’s school. I…
Amazing Grace
I should probably start off by saying this is my first time to write a blog entry, so please bear with me. My name is Shelby, and I have known the one and only Sareta Fulcher since 2013. I love that she has started her Bible Study Girl blog series and am so happy to contribute! When Sareta asked me to do this, I thought a lot about what am I truly thankful for. Yes, I love my family. Yes, I love my job. Yes, I love my house. Yes, I like my closet…. a lot. I am very thankful for all of those things because they do bring some…
Second Chances
When challenged with the task of being asked to write about something I’m thankful for, I must admit I struggled to come up with something. Good as God has been to me, and I couldn’t think of one thing I wanted to write about. And Bible Study Girl didn’t make it any better by saying, “You can’t think of NOTHING you’re thankful for?!?!” You see, I’ve reached a point in my life where I try to ask God about all things, and He hadn’t sent me nothing yet. I’m also the girl that when He does, I ask for confirmation over & over & over & over & over again.…
Living My Blessed Life
When I take a moment to meditate on what I’m thankful for, it doesn’t take me long to have a list compiled. I mean a list, list. There is so much that I have to be grateful for, yet I often find myself seeking ways to gain more. Whether it’s financial, educational, spiritual, physical, or emotional. I’m always thinking of ways for increase. There is a statement that states that “the best things in life are free”. I couldn’t agree more with this statement. But a few million dollars would surely help a sistah live her absolute best life. There was a point in my life in which I felt…
Let the Thanks Begin!
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. I Thessalonians 5:16-18 This year has flown by so quickly. It seems like just yesterday that we were gathered at my mom’s house for her annual New Year’s Day Fish Fry. Now Thanksgiving is knocking on our front doors. I don’t ever want to get beside myself and think this blog is about me. It’s not. It’s all about God, and my journey to be in closer relationship with Him. It’s about you and your love for Him. And your acceptance of His love for you. With that in…