
Best Laid Plans

Ms. Bible Study Girl and I have been friends for going on two decades now, and I was honored to be included in this series of her blog.  When she first told me the topic, what I’m thankful for, I thought I knew exactly what I was going to write about.  Initially, I was going to write about how thankful I am for our friendship (and I am very thankful for it), but then something happened.  The book fair. 

The day started out just like any other day.  Get up. Get ready for work and school. Go to said places.  It was a special day at my children’s school. I had promised my oldest I would come, take her to the book fair, and eat lunch with her.  Her grandmother had given her money to select a book. When I arrived at the school, I intended to let her select a book using the money her grandmother had sent, but God had other plans. 

I was running late (it’s the story of my life ask… Sareta ), and when I went to my daughter’s classroom, it was basically her and her friend left.  It turned out the friend’s parent had a program for another one of her kids that had run over so therefore she was running late as well.  This friend had graciously shared her grandparent with my daughter last year during Grandparent’s day. Now my daughter was getting to share her mom (substitute grandparent) while her friend was waiting on her own parent to arrive. 

Last year, my daughter took money to go to the book fair and purchase her own book, but her friend’s Grandparent offered to purchase one for her.  I got upset that she didn’t use her money that was sent. God used  book fair day to remind me that not only did He remember last year, but that He also knows the future. 

Today was my day to bless her the way her Grandpa had blessed my daughter.  Today, He reminded me to be thankful for unexpected blessings, to relax, and overall just remember that He knows all.  It’s amazing how God can use a simple thing like the book fair to remind us that He is always near and is with us. And for that I am thankful. #wepreach

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