
Revive Me

Ya’ll probably get sick of me saying this, but my Pastor has been dropping the unadulterated Word of God.  Sunday’s sermon was no exception.  He preached from the book of Acts, chapter 20. 

Acts chapter 20 begins with the story of Paul teaching and preaching to the disciples and others that have gathered.  They fellowshipped and ate and then Paul gets to work.  The teaching is so good that Paul is still going at midnight.  (I’m sure many of us in the black church can relate to loooong services…LOL.)

Eutychus is a young man who is there to hear Paul’s teaching.  Unfortunately, this brother is tired.  He seems to have had a long day because the Bible says that he begins to sink into a deep sleep.  Oh…I forgot to mention that he’s sitting in the window while he’s listening to Paul.

I’m going to pause for a minute here.  I’m not a night-time person.  I go to bed early.  When the sun goes down, my eyes get heavy.  If we’re taking a long road trip, everyone knows that I’ll drive the early shift.  I recognize my weakness.  If I started to doze while I was sitting in a window on the third floor, I would like to think that I would change my seat.

Eutychus does not change his seat.  He goes from sinking into a deep sleep to being overcome by sleep.  And as Paul continues to speak, Eutychus falls from the third story and dies.

Before I’m too hard on Eutychus, I must make this story live in my life.  Many of us regularly attend church and are sleeping on the gifts, promises, and goodness of God.  Our bodies are present for the preaching, but our souls are so far from the Lord.

And what about the people around him?  Did no one notice when he jerked himself awake several times before the fall that would kill him?  Are we too caught up in us and can’t see the person on the same pew that’s struggling?

Paul makes a great choice.  When he sees that Eutychus has fallen, he stops preaching and goes down the stairs.  He falls on Eutychus and embraces him.  And brings Eutychus back in alive.  If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, bless your heart.

Paul is not too high and important to see about his brother in Christ.  The people came to hear Paul, but Paul was ever mindful of his mission…to help bring life to people in dead situations.  He didn’t berate Eutychus and tell him he made a stupid decision.  He embraced him.  Paul allowed the Holy Spirit that was within in him to touch and revive someone who was dead.

We are living in a de-churched age.  People don’t go to church because they look at the way we live our lives and think, “what’s the point?”  We get so caught up in going to church and programs but not having transformed lives.  We forget that Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost.  He embraced us.  It’s our duty and mission to embrace others so that they can receive the gift that we already have.

If you see me and I seem to be dozing in my spiritual life, nudge me.  If I’m sitting in places that are dangerous, guide me to a safer place.  If I fall and die spiritually, don’t berate me.  Embrace me and let the Holy Spirit that dwells in you revive me.  #wepreach

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