brown wooden church bench near white painted wall
39 for 39

2. Regularly attend church services in person.

I have been very lackadaisical about updating my progress on my 39 for 39 list. If you are new around these parts, I will clue you in on what I’m talking about.  When I turned 35, I created a list of fun activities that I wanted to complete while I was 35. It was so much fun that I continued the tradition. I unveiled my 39 for 39 list last May and then did not document my journey as I completed the activities. Well, child, I have remembered now, so I am going to do my best to keep you up to date.

# 2 on my list was regularly attending church service IN PERSON. Before I made the list, I was not even attending church virtually. (Back up off me…I was struggling.) Putting this on my list was a definitive way to hold myself accountable. Listen, I was the poster child for “the struggle is real.” Which is odd because I had not ever thought I would be a person that did not regularly attend to my spiritual needs.

I had ventured over to the other side. I got to experience brunch on Sundays BEFORE the church crowd. I slept in. I binged shows. I took leisurely morning baths. Even though I thoroughly enjoyed those things, I was still struggling. Because something was missing. I was feeding my body and entertaining myself but I was NOT intentional about feeding my soul.

My first Sunday back to in-person church service was challenging. For several reasons. But you know what? I pushed through and getting just a little Word made me realize how malnourished I was. So, I continued to go and each time little chicken nuggets of knowledge and confirmation were waiting for me to devour. My malnourished soul was slowly being revitalized.

I’m grateful the good Lord gave me grace and space to find my way back to a more consistent relationship with Him. I know that He is everywhere but the issue is that I wasn’t seeking Him actively anywhere. And now I am. I listen to podcasts. I study the Bible outside of church. And instead of running away, or avoiding Him, I make a daily effort to run to him. What a great item to cross off the list. #wepreach

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