39 for 39

30. Try a new vegetable.

As I browsed my list of 39 activities that I want to complete while I’m 39, I stumbled upon this beauty. Actually, let me back this train up. This part of the adventure started on Sunday. I had just finished a walk with Bible Study Mama. I needed to stop by Trader Joe’s and pick up some oat milk. She was more than happy to tag along.

While waiting for her to pick out her produce, I saw fresh artichoke. I am a big fan of a good spinach and artichoke dip; however, I had not ever had fresh artichoke. And I certainly had not had to prepare it at home. I asked if she thought I should attempt to tackle it, and she happily cosigned my initial impulse. I put the artichokes in the cart and went about my merry way.

Now listen, you may have grown up eating roasted artichoke with Sunday meals, but I did not. We ate vegetables. Just not an artichoke. First things first, I settled into a montage of “how to cook fresh artichoke” videos on YouTube. Apparently, there is a whole community of people that are passionate about these guys, and they all have variations of how to achieve the perfect delight. I settled on roasting these bad boys, and I was off and running.

While I was prepping the artichokes, a random thought came to mind. Who was the first person that saw an artichoke and thought that it would be good for eating? If I walked past it growing somewhere, I might poke or prod at it, but I certainly would not be trying to see if it was edible. That question intensified when I realized just how little “meat” I got off one artichoke after it was roasted. I also wonder about the person who discovered that sunflower seeds had a little meat on the inside. I digress.

Are you ready for my verdict??? My first home-roasted artichokes were delicious. A healthy alternative to some of my tried-and-true side dishes. And a new addition to my vegetable rotation. I am proof that you can teach an old dog new tricks. I am also proof that having a good old list is a great way to shake up your normal routine. What are you doing to get the most out of this life? Or are you fine with cruising through? It’s your life. But as for me and my house, we are trying new things and seeking new adventures. #wepreach

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