39 for 39

39 for 39

Folks have lots of sayings about time. Like it flies when you’re having fun or that it heals all wounds. In my experience, time flies whether you’re having fun or not and it hasn’t healed my wounds. I would say that I’ve just grown accustomed to the pain. In any event, time keeps rolling without any regard for our feelings, wants, or desires. And time rolled all the way to my 39th birthday. I started a bit of a tradition where I generated a list of activities that I wanted to do. A bit of fun to inspire me to really seek out new adventures as my birthday rolled around. 35 activities for 35, 36 activities for 36,…you get the idea. My 38th birthday did not get a list. I was wrapped up, tied up, tangled up with grief. And fun activities were not on the menu. Ahhh, but time kept rolling and I arrived at 39. So for better or for worse, here is my list of activities for 39:

  1. Write blog posts at least three times a week. (Yikes!!!!)
  2. Regularly attend church service in person.
  3. Go on a bike ride.
  4. Hike a trail at a state park.
  5. Try 1 new restaurant a month in the Central Arkansas area.
  6. Make 1 new recipe a month at home.
  7. Pick a person every week that I am going to intentionally pray for.
  8. Develop a more serious prayer life.
  9. Say 1 thing out loud that I am thankful for every morning.
  10. Get back into the swing of reading. Read 1 new book every month.
  11. Dedicate an hour every day to writing my book until it’s finished.
  12. Have one meatless day a week.
  13. Go swimming…it’s been a while.
  14. Style my hair at least twice a month…even if I’m not going anywhere fancy.
  15. Sew an adult-sized quilt. The baby quilt was awesome but I need to upgrade.
  16. Donate clothes that I haven’t worn in a year and that I regularly skip over when it’s time to pick out an outfit.
  17. Get featured in one of Bible Study Brother’s songs. There is a lyricist in me, and one day, he will acknowledge it. LOL!
  18. Be featured in one of Bible Study Brother’s videos. It has been a LONG standing goal, and this might just be my year!
  19. Write down our family tree with the help of my grandmother.
  20. Participate in 2 Bible studies.
  21. Teach my cat one trick.
  22. Organize all the photos that I have been saying that I will organize for years.
  23. Go see a play.
  24. Walk a half-marathon. Not in an official organized race. But pick a day and walk in honor of my cousin, Tomica, who wanted to complete one. And tried to get me to agree. But I ALWAYS said no. LOL!
  25. Write a handwritten letter to one person a month. It’s always good to have a special surprise in the mail that is not a bill.
  26. Count to 10 before speaking when folks get on my nerves.
  27. Grab a canvas, paints, and paintbrush and paint a picture. No template. Just anything goes.
  28. Make a new vision board.
  29. Throw another murder mystery party. That was fun.
  30. Try a new vegetable.
  31. Try a new fruit.
  32. Get serious about maintaining my lawn. Go ahead and clip the branches that I have been meaning to clip for years.
  33. Do a cartwheel. For real this year.
  34. Ride in a hot air balloon.
  35. Ride on a roller coaster with my mama.
  36. Learn to drive a stick. But first I have to find someone that has one. And then has the patience to get jerked around while I learn. LOL!
  37. Hand-knit that blanket. I bought the jumbo yarn, and it has been staring at me for months.
  38. Scope out a dope waterfall in nature.
  39. Cherish every memory that I make in the process.

They probably won’t all be completed but I know they will keep me moving forward. #wepreach

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