Wise Counsel

Wise Counsel

I have mentioned before that I don’t always make the best decisions.  I can be rash.  When a thought pops into my head, I’ll just do it.  No time to ask for others opinions or get wise counsel.  I run.  I leap.  And sometimes I fall.  Notice, I didn’t say my thought came from the Lord.  I don’t spend time with God to see if that’s His will for my life.  I just move.

The thought of wise counsel and having a great support team came to me while I’m reading through Job.  Yes, Job and I are still going through it together.  He’s sitting around with his friends, and a younger cat, Elihu, speaks up.  Elihu has listened to all of the older men give Job advice.  He’s remained hopeful that one of them will hit the mark.  And they keep missing it.  So, he speaks up.

I do not doubt that someone young can give me wise counsel.  My bestie has been the wise voice for me since I was in my twenties.  We were talking about our younger days just the other day.  Now, I know that she already knew what I was talking about.  She said she didn’t realize just how complex the situation was at the time.  And then she repeated one of her famous lines. “For somebody that’s so scary, you sure did some scary stuff.”  Listen ya’ll, I laughed so hard that I almost cried.  I told you that I run and leap.

She’s not the only one who provides wise counsel for me.  Sweet Baby drops gems all the time.  She is inquisitive and has an interesting view of the world.  I admire her ability to see the good in people.  I love her energy and enthusiasm.  And when I least expect it, she leaves me with a thought to chew on.  She will say something that challenges my limited thinking.

My grandma is also a great sounding board.  She cuts straight to the chase.  Maybe when you’re older, you don’t have time for the fluff.  She gives me meat that I can chew on.  I suppose that I’m a big girl.  It’s time for me to stop drinking milk from a bottle anyway.

Wise counsel is very important and often missing in our lives.  They are not the only people that have spoken into my life.  Bible Study Cousin is always telling me that I don’t listen to her.  Wise counsel is all around me.  I’m doing better with listening. 

Before you get up in arms, I know that God is our source.  I realize that the Holy Spirit leads and guides.  We just have to be willing to listen and follow.  I also know that the circle that we surround ourselves with can have a tremendous impact on our lives.  Look at Job in the midst of the hardest hard spot ever and surrounded by friends that don’t get it.  Hopefully, you have a circle of friends that extend grace.  That can pray with and for you.  That can provide you with wise counsel.  #wepreach

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