

At some point earlier this year, I made a commitment to myself that I would exercise four times a week.  I felt that was a reasonable lifestyle change that I could maintain.  I didn’t come to this conclusion on my own.  My friend wanted someone to hold her accountable for her weekly workouts.  I said that I was in need of the same thing and an alliance was formed.

Every week, I would make my way to the gym.  Let me just tell you.  There were some ugly days.  If you want me to be honest, I had a couple of days that I drove to the gym after work.  And just sat in my car.  I’d tell myself that I would go in after the song ended.  And wouldn’t you know it?  An even better song would come on as soon as that song ended.  I sat and talked myself out of it on those days.  I cranked my car up and drove myself home.

Even with the two days that I turned away and made my way home, I haven’t missed the four times a week goal since this lifestyle change commenced.  It hasn’t been easy, but I’m so glad that it stuck.  Being unemployed for all those weeks was the perfect excuse to stop.  It would have been easy to give in to the temptation to remain on my couch.  There were many days that I had force myself to find a workout on YouTube.  My mind was telling me no, but my body was saying “Girl, we need this!”

The consistency has paid off.  My clothes fit better, and my stamina has increased.  If I’m being completely honest, my body is craving more intense workouts.  But that old mind of mine keeps telling me that what I’m doing is sufficient.  It’s more than I’ve ever done for longer than I’ve ever done it.  But…I think I’m ready to up the ante.

The race is not given to the swift or the strong but to the one who endures to the end.  As I’m walking this thing out, I’m finding that I actually have endurance.  And I’m not just talking about endurance on a physical level.  This reminds me that if I’m consistent with my prayer life, fasting, and Bible study then I will see results.  I won’t be so easily irritated or agitated.  I will have built up my endurance.

Keep me in your prayers.  I’m praying for you.  Consistency is the key that will unlock closed doors.  I know it will transform this old raggedy heart of mine.  #wepreach

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