photo of woman putting her finger on her lips

Silence is a Virtue

Silence is a virtue.  Now that’s not in the Bible (at least I don’t think it is), and I haven’t heard it anywhere else.  But let me tell you…it is.  Although I don’t make it a habit to verbally go off on people, I generally have a comeback in my head.  I did not always keep my comebacks and slide remarks inside.  Years ago, I would tell you what to stuff and where you could stuff it.

I come by my quick remarks honestly.  I have observed some masterful telling offs in my day.  Pick a person in my family.  Any person.  They have the same skill.  Some utilize the skill on a regular basis.  Others have reached the point where they can quiet that beast.

Having quick comebacks is not wrong.  Comedians make their living being able to spin whatever is happening.  But try, though we might, we are not all comedians.  Sometimes, it pays to be silent.

We have been studying wisdom in Christian Life Development.  Before you think I’m back in college, that’s what we call Sunday School at my church.  We really are talking about what it takes to have a fully developed Christian life.  Our class is a safe space to discuss struggles in our Christian walks.  It is also a safe place to ask the questions that you have wanted to ask.  Good questions are important, but it is equally important to listen to the answer.  Acquiring wisdom takes humility and sometimes silence.  When our lips are closed, our ears can hear. 

I like silence.  I like to be alone with my thoughts.  Unfortunately, we live in a culture that pushes being loud and bold.  While there are so many moments that require us to speak up and speak out, there are also moments that would require us to listen and really hear what others are saying. 

Here lately, I have been intentional about carving out time for silence.  Instead of instantly responding to others, I take a beat.  I use the silence to think things through.  You know I struggle with being impulsive at times.  My impulsivity has led me off the path, and I am ready to get back on track.  Time will tell if my closed mouth has been a wise decision.  #wepreach

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