
Off the Trail

Quarantine Day (?) began like many others.  (I can’t tell you what day it was because they all blend together at this point.)  I got up.  Showered. Brushed my teeth.  And commenced my daily TV binge.  As the day wore on, I decided that I needed to get outside for fresh air.  Bible Study Mama and I hit one of our favorite trails that is nestled in the woods.

We were discussing the latest episode of “Before the 90 Days” (a TV show on TLC).  In the distance, I saw a family of three approaching.  I moved off the trail to walk in the leaves.  The trail is small, and I wanted to make sure that they could pass at a reasonable social distance.  The father of the family then called out to me. “Excuse me ma’am.  You might want to stay on the trail.  I saw a copperhead snake in the woods back there.”

Y’all…..I don’t do rats, and I DEFINITELY don’t do snakes.  I hopped back on that trail quicker than I’ve ever moved in my life.  Well actually, I kinda tried to get on Bible Study Mama’s back.  It’s just a thing I do when I’m scared.  Don’t judge me.  She told me to stop touching her because she was freaked out enough already.  My argument was a mother sacrifices for her children.  Yea…even their super grown kids.

Listen, I was well aware that we were walking in nature.  And I was also aware that the forest wasn’t my natural habitat.  It belongs to the creatures that live there.  Since I have such a disdain for snakes, I was also generally hyper vigilant about checking my surroundings.  My eyes always check the foliage for possible snake hiding holes.  My ears are attuned to sounds of rustling in the leaves.  Often, I hear a creature moving, and I get really loud and tell them to stay where they are.  But hearing that warning from the man made the possibility of danger more real for some reason.  It’s one thing to know that there are snakes around.  It’s a completely different experience when there has been a sighting.

My usual attentiveness was derailed by a juicy conversation and approaching strangers.  Stepping off the trail, even just a little, had put my life in danger.  The entire situation put me on high alert.  I couldn’t relax after I knew that a poisonous snake had been spotted in my vicinity.

I need to have that same attitude with my spiritual life.  It’s so easy to step off the trail.  After all, the Bible tells us in Matthew 7:13-14 that the Christian journey has a narrow gate.  While I don’t ever want to glamorize perfectionism, I have to be honest with myself about the times that I don’t even try.  I step off trail sometimes to accommodate others or myself.  Baby, I am the queen of analyzing reality TV lives.  I can always tell you how they should live their lives but, for some reason, am not as efficient with my own.

I’m glad God is gracious.  The end of the story is that it’s not all over for us when we step off the trail.  We can hop right back on just like I did.  But let me be clear.  There is no guarantee that the trail is a free pass from trouble.  Satan is always seeking to kill, steal, and destroy.  The earth is not our home.  Heaven is.  We’re just walking through earth on our way to our eternal home.

Staying vigilant in my relationship with Christ is a continual journey for me.  Nowhere in my description of the beginning of my day did I say that I spent anytime with God.  Even though I’m home all day, I usually reserve my study times for the evening.  But there is always a possibility that I won’t reach the evening.  I had no excuse.  I just didn’t prioritize Him.

The shout out from the stranger in the woods was a reminder that I always have room for growth.  I’m so glad that he said something.  He could have remained silent, especially in this time of social distancing.  He took time to warn me of a very real danger.  It’s my obligation to do the same.  If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, now is a good time to change your story.  Jesus loves you so much that He died and rose for you to be able to have relationship with Him.  Take His hand.  Get on the trail.  #wepreach

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