
Let’s Get Started

Although Bible Study Brother can be long-winded, so can I.  Someone posted a question on  I thought about my response for a while.  I was trying to be as concise as possible in my response, but it kept getting longer and longer.  Baby, I had to quit and just say that I’ll answer it in the form of a blog so I could gather my thoughts in one place.  The question wasn’t super deep, but it really made me think about my experiences in the church.  The question was how does one start to serve in ministry.

I grew up in the church.  I was going to say that we did everything but sleep there, but we slept there too.  We had lock-ins (sleepovers) with Girl Scouts and later with the youth ministry.  We did life with our church family, and that involved being in many different ministries.  I was even part of the church basketball team one year and was NOT happy about it.  That was NOT my gift.  We repped Jesus everywhere we went.  I did not have to consciously think about serving in ministry, because it was built into my lifestyle.

Fast forward to the time that I joined my new church after I graduated high school.  My aunt, uncle, and cousins were members there.  So, I wasn’t going WAY off the beaten trail.  But it was still new.  I was not part of any of the formal ministries at the church.  I attended Wednesday night Bible study and Sunday worship and that was enough for me.  My natural inclination is to keep to myself.  ESPECIALLY at that age.  I didn’t join a ministry at the church because I felt like the odd ball out.  I would assist with different events, but I wasn’t an official member of any of the ministries.

Once I moved out of state and didn’t know ANYONE, I gathered the courage to join the drama ministry at my new church.  There was an announcement in the church bulletin, and I signed up.  In my nine months there, we had one performance.  But hey….I was making progress.  When I moved back to Arkansas, I hit the ground running at my church.  I was in the choir, Mission, taught Sunday School, planned Vacation Bible School, and lead the youth with Bible Study Cousin.  Whenever I saw a gap, I volunteered to fill it.  I mean…I was in ALL the ministries.

I still had not realized that ministry was so much more than my participation in a group within the walls of the church.  My entire life is ministry.  The way that I interact with people is important and has purpose.  Ministry is about meeting people where they are.  Ministry is about meeting a need.

So how does one start to serve in a ministry?  If you have breath in your body, you’re already on the mission field.  Your ministry with others plays out throughout your day.  Taking time to listen to someone’s complaint is ministry.  Giving an encouraging word is ministry.  Helping someone that doesn’t have enough to eat is ministry.  There are organizations worldwide that support humanitarian causes.  You can serve in ministry by linking up with those organizations and volunteering your time.  The church is the body of Christ, and we have a responsibility to have a global presence.  In these times of COVID-19, we have learned just how true that is.  We have an obligation to serve others even if we are not a formal member of a church ministry.

Although our personal lives are a ministry, it is also important to be connected to our local church and engaged in the ministries available through the church.  God has purpose for our presence in the local church body.  We all have to contribute to the health and vitality of the ministries within our church.  Usually churches provide opportunities to participate in ministries during announcements.  That’s a great way to get your feet wet and figure out where you can best contribute.

We shouldn’t go to church to be entertained.  We go to get educated and equipped for ministry.  If you can work in ministry in your local church, you can make it anywhere.  It has been a great training ground for me.  Let me tell you…I know there’s a God because I have survived some super saved folks.  Told you I was long-winded. #wepreach

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