brown and black coral reef in water

What Kind of Christian Are You?

Y’all may or may not know this, but I have dipped my toes into the dating pool.  Folks say that there are plenty of fish in the sea, and they are correct.  But many of those fish live in the depths of the ocean.  When they come closer to the surface, it is not a pretty sight.  They look and act like bottom dwellers.  Listen.  It is a struggle.

Wooooo!  I went off on a tangent.  Let me get to my point.  Meeting new people has made me really think about myself.  My likes, dislikes.  My strengths.  My weaknesses.  Some of the questions are commonplace.  You know…occupation, siblings, where you are from.  But every now and then, I get a question that really makes me think.  I was recently asked, “What kind of Christian are you?”

Now, at times I can be very flippant.  I asked for clarity on what the person was wanting to know.  They wanted to know what standards I had set in my Christian walk.  This was a great question!  What kind of Christian am I?  Well, I am the kind of Christian that knows I do not get everything right.  I am the kind of Christian that goes to parties where everyone else is drinking, and I am not.  And I am perfectly fine with that.  If I were not, I would not go to the parties.

I am the kind of Christian that studies the Bible to see my own faults and not everyone else’s.  I am the kind of Christian that laughs loudly and often.  I find joy in the smallest things.  Ask Bible Study Mama.  She swears that I laugh in my sleep.  I am the kind of Christian that picks trash up off the street just because.  I am the kind of Christian that curses sometimes.  I am the kind of Christian that prays for my friends and then does my best to help them.  I am the kind of Christian that loves hard and deeply.

So, I guess the dating scene is not all doom and gloom.  It is helping me realize things about myself that I do not know I would have thought about.  It is challenging me to continue to discover who I am in Christ and relationships.  Now that the question has been posed and I have given my answer, take a minute.  Think about what kind of Christian you are.  You might be surprised. #wepreach

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