
Saints With Attitude

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Matthew 5:5

Wednesday nights at REfresh Bible study have been very thought-provoking.  For the past three weeks, we’ve been taken to task about our attitudes.  No more pointing the finger at everyone else.  We have to get the Windex and clean off our mirrors.  It’s time to remove the smudges that cloud our ability to see ourselves. 

Matthew 5:5 deals with meekness.  Being meek is not a natural attitude.  And I’m not just saying that.  I speak from experience.  Just in the past week, I have had two experiences that made me pause and check my attitude.  And to be quiet honest, the only reason I paused is because of Wednesday night Bible studies.  My attitude has been at the forefront of my mind.  I understand that the way I respond matters.

Meekness is not weakness.  On the contrary, meekness is a grand display of strength and humility at the same time.  When people correct or chastise me, my initial reaction is to defend myself.  It takes an exorbitant amount of strength and humility to keep my mouth closed and listen to their critiques.   The reality of the situation is that I am not perfect.  Accepting constructive criticism from others while maintaining a meek disposition sets me up for an inheritance from God. 

Although I don’t often clap back at people verbally, my facial expressions do all the talking for me.  I can’t tell you how often Bible Study Mama has told me to “fix my face.”  Even though my mouth never moved, you were intimately aware of my thoughts about your actions.  I literally just had a talk with my cousins on Sunday about facial expressions.  One cousin told another that they weren’t excused just because they no longer talked crazy.  Their face was telling the story on their behalf.  My family struggles with facial expressions.  Pray hard saints.  Meekness must be evident in my speech AND in my facial expressions.  That’s no easy task.  That is the reason that we need the Holy Spirit.

The incredible thing about meekness is that it shows us where we are in our Christian journey.  We should not be push-overs, but we are also not always right.  I’m not even talking to ya’ll.  I’m talking to myself.  People that are puffed up and proud are hard to be around.  They are hard to build relationships with.  When I choose meekness instead of arrogance, I’m choosing Christ.  Christ in His perfection had every right to be boastful, but that’s not the attitude that He displayed.  We can be saints with attitude.  It just has to be the right attitude.  #wepreach

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