

My prayer life is not where it should be. My cousin taught Sunday School a while back, and he gave us a challenge. We were to pray for one person for an entire week. We didn’t have to let the person know that we were praying. We just needed to pray.

I decided to give it a shot and picked my person. I didn’t say long or complicated prayers, but everyday I lifted them up to God. It wasn’t at the same time every day either.

I was recapping my friend’s week with them. They shared with me just how trying their week had been. Normally, this kind of week would have turned them upside down. They shared that they had peace. I said “Maybe that’s why God put you in my mind as the person that I should pray for.”

I have no clue how many people have prayed for me. I’m sure that somebody is interceding (praying) on my behalf right now. I’m thankful for their obedience.

Our faith has to have feet. We have to work out our salvation. I’m challenging you (and myself) to choose one person that you will pray for for one week. Just pray. Check in with them at the end of seven days and see how things are going. Let’s watch how God moves. #wepreach


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