three face masks

An Attitude of Gratitude: Masks

I was scrolling through my photo gallery on my phone the other day looking for a picture.  I ended up scrolling all the way back to February of this year.  And got quite a shock.  I gasped and clutched my pearls.  Fitz, my cat, looked up from his napping perch on the couch to see what was going on.  Y’all….

The picture was taken the week after Uncle Chauncey died.  A nice snow front had settled into Central Arkansas.  No one was going anywhere.  Well, I was not in the right mental space to go anywhere anyway.  An on-time winter wonderland.  You might be imagining that this was a picture of gently falling snow.  Or perhaps kids building a snowman.  Nope, it was a picture of my face.

Keep in mind that I was TOTALLY stressed and grieving during that week.  Uncle Chauncey was the fourth family member that I had lost in five weeks’ time, and I was pretty done for.  So why was I taking a picture of my face?  Because there was a massive growth on my cheek.  At first, we thought it was a pimple.  But it kept getting bigger….and bigger.

I forgot how huge it was until I saw that picture.  Honey, MASKS SAVED MY LIFE.  Aside from helping to protect me from COVID, it shielded the world from my very visible distress.  When I say that thing was HUGE, ohhhhh it was huge.  So, while dealing with major grief, I had to go under the knife.  That thing could not stay on me.  Sweet Baby was very grossed out….LOL.

Now that I am more with it, I am shocked to see how bad it truly was.  The kids I work with would have run screaming in horror.  Shoot, I would have run screaming in horror if I had been in my right mind.  So, today, I give a shout-out to the masks of the world.  They kept my dirty secret.  And for that, I am grateful.  #wepreach

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