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    My grandma is not the stereotypical grandma. No. She is different.  Upon deeper reflection, her ability to beat to the sound of her own drum probably greatly influenced my ability to do the same. Spending summers with her was magical. We did not play Uno or Go Fish during my childhood. We played Dominoes, and she taught me how to keep score and count bones. We traveled up and down the road at lightning speed. We explored unknown places just because. She listened to my thoughts. And she told the BEST stories at bedtime. After a long day of activity, you know I could go to sleep at the drop…

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    Sermon Recap

    Hit Pause

    I like routine. I like order. Slowly, but surely, my schedule is filling back up. I have so many responsibilities that I manage. I know that life has a tendency to present obstacles, so I put some padding in my schedule. I wake up earlier on some days to squeeze it all in. But even with that padding…even with the shuffling…I cannot anticipate every shake-up. Neither could Paul. I have dawdled long enough. Let me dig into the sermon recap. Sunday’s sermon finds us back in Acts 20:7-12. Last Sunday, we learned of Eutychus. He went to hear Paul preaching. Eutychus was sitting in the window and at some point…

  • Grief

    A Walk

    I took a walk yesterday. Actually, Bible Study Mama and I took a walk yesterday. Walking has been our thing for years. Specifically, Saturday morning walks. For years, Bible Study Mama, Tomica, and I would walk on Saturday mornings. You probably couldn’t tell that by looking at us…then or now…but it’s true. We would roll out of bed on Saturday mornings and meet up by the river to get our exercise on. In later years, more cousins joined us. It was a tradition. A jump start to the weekend and a promise to ourselves to do better and try harder to push away from the plate next week. It was…

  • the word breathe as concept in saving earth


    Listen, I am in a struggle to get myself together over here. My mind is jumbled with various thoughts. It is not that I do not have anything to say. I have tons to say, but I am having difficulty settling. I am having a hard time focusing and making my point get straight to the point. I typed sentences and erased them several times because they did not feel right. They just were not right for this moment. I got FRUSTATED. Typed some more and erased it all again. Made notes for future blogs and still could not find the right words for this blog. I wanted to quit,…

  • creative white candle on table in living room


    Can I be honest with you? (Even if you just said no, I’m not going to stop. That was the epitome of a rhetorical question.) I’m weird. If this is your first time reading this blog, you might be thinking “how so?”. If you have been around for a while, you probably picked up that gem long ago. I think differently, I process things differently, and I just AM different in lots of ways. While we are now being encouraged to celebrate differences, it is not always a second nature thing for us. Bible Study Cousin spent the early years of my adult friendship with her telling me how weird…

  • folded assorted color shirts


    I can get the best insight and receive gentle reminders in the most random conversations. I was chatting with my bestie the other day. At one point the conversation drifted to uncluttering (Is that a word? If not, pretend it is.) our houses. I am the queen of holding on to things for sentimental reasons. That is the reason that I currently have 3 drawers FULL of T-shirts. Some shirts haven’t been worn in years. To be fair, some of them are too little and don’t need to be stretched beyond their capacity. Others fit but I don’t wear them. When you have that many T-shirts, it’s difficult to put…

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    2023: Obedience

    Maybe three or four years ago, I started having a word for the year. It is a reminder of what I need to focus on as the year goes on. At times, I can be a bit like a squirrel and go off on tangents. Which leaves my life a little all over the place. But when I have a word…when I have a focus…it is easier to course correct. And my word for 2023…..OBEDIENCE. If you listen to the podcast even a little, you are well aware that I struggle with this. If you read one or two blogs, a thread of disobedience runs throughout them as well. I…

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    Sermon Recap

    Back to Life

    2023 rolled into Little Rock with warmer temps and sunny skies. The cold of the last week has been swept away, and the first Sunday of the year came in like a champ. Vibrant and full of life. Kind of a perfect segue into our first sermon recap of the year. I will not keep you waiting. Let’s dive right in. Acts 20:7-12 recounts an alarming event that happens during a church service. A young man named Eutychus sits in a window as Paul is preaching. And I have to commend him for coming to hear this preaching. Mostly because I am not a night owl and scripture says that…

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