black toy car on world map paper

2023: Obedience

Maybe three or four years ago, I started having a word for the year. It is a reminder of what I need to focus on as the year goes on. At times, I can be a bit like a squirrel and go off on tangents. Which leaves my life a little all over the place. But when I have a word…when I have a focus…it is easier to course correct. And my word for 2023…..OBEDIENCE.

If you listen to the podcast even a little, you are well aware that I struggle with this. If you read one or two blogs, a thread of disobedience runs throughout them as well. I can be obstinate, hardheaded, and totally sure of all the wrong things. I pick a course and want to stay in that course. Even when God is telling me no. Even when I drive past the red “Wrong Way” signs. I get determined to make the wrong ways right because…well shoot…just because.

And why do I do that? I can assure you that it is not because my disobedience has enhanced my life in any way. If anything, it has caused me to crash head-on into disappointment and left me stranded on the side of the road. Vehicle destroyed, head hurting, and limping. And still walking in the wrong direction. Because I am scared. Shoot it might be the wrong way, but I am familiar with this neighborhood. I am familiar with this struggle. And doing it God’s way is unknown. Doing it His way makes me have to trust Him. Not my map anymore. It’s His and I have to go WHEREVER He wants to take me. And something tells me that His destination and mine are not in sync.

But guess what? They can be. They will be. They are. My cousin reminded me that God is the architect of all creation. He challenged my inability to trust the One who holds everything in His hand. Not just some things. EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. And if I can’t trust God, how can I trust or follow anyone else…including myself? So, in 2023, when you see me, know that I am walking in obedience. Not like a pouting kid, but a child trusting that my Father absolutely knows what is best for me. I am doing what He has for me. I am doing it scared. But I am doing it. I am doing it unsure. But I am doing it. On the days I just do not want to…..I am doing it. My way has not worked. I am trusting that His way will. What’s your word for 2023? How do you remain focused? While you work out your personal word, you can read about my journey in obedience. I am quite sure it will be interesting. #wepreach

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