One thing I struggle with in life is making choices. ESPECIALLY when I’m given a lot of options. While other people can have a favorite movie or drink or food, for me it’s always “one” of my favorites. Who can choose just one when there is just so much greatness in this world? So imagine how hard this task has been for me to pick just one moment that changed my life. The deadline has passed, and I still can’t decide. So, guess what? I’ll just go ahead and bless you with a couple. We could talk about the time I was visiting my friend, Scherron, in Dallas. While attending…
A Moment That Changed My Life…..
I can think of many life changing moments: getting married, giving birth to my son, beginning my career as an Accountant; however, there is one that sticks out more than the others. And quite frankly, that moment hasn’t happened just yet or it’s still happening. LOL! My husband and I have been trying to conceive since December 2015. We’ve both gone to the fertility doctor, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong. On the morning of April 4, 2018, I woke up with the song “Be Still” by Yolanda Adams in my spirit. It was awkward, because I hadn’t heard that song in years. From my recollection, I think I was a…
Pay It Forward
My morning routine two to three days out the week consists of pulling into the drive thru at a local Starbucks, while simultaneously chitchatting with my work BFF on my SUV’s Bluetooth. I pause the conversation to place the usual, overpriced order of a tall- blonde- vanilla latte with bacon and cheese egg bites… I pull forward and continue with my phone conversation. A few months back a recollect a morning that was a bit unusual. I reached the window and fumbled to open the app to pay, only to hear the barista mumble something?!?! I paused the call, with my work BFF, and ask the server to repeat her…
A Remedy for Worrying
Sunday’s sermon cut to the heart of the current atmosphere we are encountering. Pastor spoke of his own struggles with worry. He spoke of other’s struggles with worry. And then he provided a remedy that is found in God’s word. The sermon was pulled from Matthew 6:25-34. In these scriptures, Jesus himself tells us multiple times “do not worry.” Jesus speaks of the birds in the air. The birds don’t fly around wondering where their next meal comes from, and they don’t plant food or store it in barns. They just fly and look for the next meal. They know it’s somewhere out there. Jesus then speaks of the lilies…
BSG Week!!!
Howdy! Welcome to BSG week on the Bible Study Girl blog!!!!!! It’s been a minute since I explained what a BSG is, so let me refresh your memory. Way back in 2011, I sent out a mass email/text message and invited all the women that I knew in Central Arkansas to join in on a Bible Study. Of the people that were invited, we ended up with a core group of six women that met weekly to discuss the things that we learned during the Bible study that week. Every great group needs a name. I don’t remember who came up with the name, but Bible Study Girls was chosen…
It’s A Wash
A storm is brewing. I can hear the thunder rolling. It’s not a constant boom. It comes and goes. Fitz, my cat, keeps running to the window to figure out what is going on. He’s used to the steady hum of traffic, but this sound is different. It’s unsettling. As I watch him run back and forth in a frenzy, I’m reminded of the state of America today. Coronavirus has arrived on American soil and much of the nation is in a panic. Now, I’ll be honest. Most of my information about the virus came from secondhand sources. You know, the Facebook philosophers and Instagram professors. Or I’d ask Bible…
Knowledge of Good and Evil
Adam and Eve lived in paradise. They didn’t have to clock in and out on a job to put a roof over their head or food on their table. Everything around them was good. And yet, Eve was still deceived by Satan. Wednesday night’s Bible study continued to refresh my mind and help me press on towards true victory. In the 2nd and 3rd chapter of Genesis, we see God provide clear instruction, and then we see Eve being led astray. God tells Adam that he can eat from every tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That shouldn’t be too hard, right? …
On Your Mark! Get Set! Go!
Although I can be rebellious, at my core, I’m a rule follower. I like decency. I like order. I carry that same spirit into my driving. No texting while driving. Follow the speed limit. We’ll all get there when we’re supposed to. And then I moved to Houston. Houston is one of the largest cities in the country. The interstates are massive and filled with traffic. Unlike me, all these drivers had somewhere to be, and they needed to be there immediately. I won’t forget the first time that I laid eyes on the huge interstate. I accepted my job without having ever been to Houston. I didn’t even really…
License to Kill
This blog started out as a way for me to share my faith. In the process, it has become a way for me to sort through my emotions. It has become a way for me to channel my energies in a positive direction. It has forced me to look long and hard at myself and evaluate the state of my faith life. I’m thrilled that I have a platform to share my faith and triumphs. A safe place to discuss downfalls and defeats. This past Sunday was a triumph. On Sunday, Bible Study Brother was licensed to minister. People came from all over to pray with and encourage my baby…
Behind the Scenes of Sacrifice
Technology to the rescue once again! I was celebrating the licensing of Bible Study Brother as a minister on Sunday, so I missed fellowshipping with my church family. No worries. I watched the replay on Facebook. Here’s your sermon recap! Sunday’s sermon came from John 11:1-16. Mary, Martha, and Lazarus were siblings who spent a lot of time with Jesus. They loved Jesus, and He loved them. Mary demonstrated her love for Jesus by anointing Him with fragrant oil and wiping His feet with her hair. This family had a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior. In the text used in the sermon, Lazarus is sick. Not like how…