
Be Bold

Wednesdays hold a special place in my heart.  Not because it’s hump day, but because I get the opportunity to sit under good teaching.  I’m hungry for the Word of God.  And the more I get, the more I want.  This past Wednesday was extra special for many reasons.  It was the beginning of Lent.  It was Bible Study Cousin’s birthday.  And Shun Strickland was teaching at church for our Ladies Night Out.

Shun Strickland is a pastor and personal transformation coach.  She taught at our women’s conference a couple of years back, and she was phenomenal.  When she spoke at the women’s conference, she confirmed things that the Lord was telling me.  I began to follow her on social media after the conference, and that was that.  So, I was definitely ready to see what round two would hold.

Y’all round two was no holds barred.  She refreshed our souls by talking about the power of the Holy Spirit that lies in every believer.  When you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit begins to dwell in you.  It’s not Jesus in you.  It’s the Holy Spirit.  The Comforter that Jesus said that He was going to send.

Notice that I said earlier that the Holy Spirit holds power.  The unfortunate fact is that many of us Christians don’t access or tap into the power that is inside each one of us.  We play it “safe” and go through the motions of life.  We spend time in prayer asking Jesus to meet needs and get frustrated when our lives seem to go on as usual.  We are disenchanted.  We lose hope.

But we can’t be mad at Jesus.  He kept His end of the bargain and sent the Holy Spirit to us.  We need to be mad at ourselves because we ignore the power at work in us.  How do we access this power?  It’s so simple that it might make you feel as stupid as I did.  We have to ask the Holy Spirit inside of us to direct our lives.

See, the thing that I love and hate about blogging is that you get to see my growth in real time.  I’ve been going on and on about prayer and being closer to God.  Now boom.  It’s in my face.  I can’t live a holy life if I’m not asking the HOLY Spirit what I should do.

You know that I’m believing God for the supernatural.  I have my eyes peeled for miracles, signs, and wonders, and I feel that this is the key that will unlock those doors.  I’m not going to be a faith punk and play down my God.  God has given me visions that are bigger than I can comprehend.  And He’s also provided people that are speaking into my life and daring me to believe that He will do all that He’s shown me.

Holy Spirit, I thank you for Your Presence.  Let me hear Your voice clearly as I journey through this life.  I want to obey You quickly every time I hear Your voice.  Give me clarity of mind.  Make me bold.  Amen.  #wepreach

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